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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2005, 06:26 AM
oregonswinger's Avatar
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 23
Default The Fantasy Fulfilled by John Benson

I've always found women's bottoms compelling. They come in so many shapes and sizes - really they are as different as faces I suppose, but hidden. So often there's a sense of mystery about what that arse could look like beneath a summer frock or smart tweedy skirt. Maybe if I get lucky a gust of wind or a turn in a staircase will reveal all - a glimpse of stocking top and lace and worm's eye view of this woman's business end. And we all know what kind of business I mean. I sometimes feel I need punishing for this obsession with bums and looking up skirts - seriously punishing. Funny how an attraction to trample and crush so often goes with an absorption with the power of women's bottoms, as if there is an unspoken need not just for humiliation and surrender but also destruction there.

I can remember exactly the moment I first really got turned on by scat, although until I found it on the Internet it was a word I didn't know. My lawyer wife had a colleague from work called Kylie who was going through a messy divorce and relieving her feelings about her departing husband by fucking everyone in sight. Everyone except me. I would have died to see her a few times around the block, but as usual I had got myself cast in the role of Mr. Nice Guy and a friend to talk to. She was a superbly built woman in her late thirties with an arse and loins like a cavalry charger and I knew, thanks to a summer breeze in the garden that she sometimes wore stockings and very classy blue underwear. I wanked myself brainless for a week after that sighting.

One evening the three of us had been to a dinner dance and she stayed over - in the guest room. I was up early the next morning making coffee in the kitchen when, unaware that I was up, she went into the bathroom next door. It was an awesome performance - after a few creaks as she settled onto the seat and following two or three rather greasy farts she let fly with the duckling and roast I'd watched her eat the previously night, splashing her load into the pan in an avalanche of perhaps ten or twelve big logs. Sweet Jesus - just at that moment I would have given anything to be under her on the receiving end of that relentless evacuation. And it's sheer speed made it even sexier - a whole bird and a plateful of vegetables out of her and down the toilet in perhaps fifteen seconds.

Ever since I eavesdropped on that crap I've been trying to live out this fantasy of getting shat on by a mature woman but initially I just couldn't see how to achieve it. What kind of woman would like to shit on a man? One hot afternoon I watched a couple of really rough twenty five year olds walking around a local DIY store. They were vulgar, full of energy and crude jokes, and I could see the knicker line of one who had a rather plain arse. She looked like someone who might and God help you if you ever found yourself down between her heels, but I needed someone with more class and finesse to punish me for all those wicked thoughts I've had about women for years. Research on the Internet suggested that unless I wanted a guy to do the deed - and I have thought about it - notices on the scat boards were unlikely to work. Do any women read them at all? But in the end I thought that by making a more subtle approach on boards for 'swingers' and 'anything goes' merchants I might get somewhere and in the end that was what worked first time for me. If women - and perhaps more importantly - their husbands were excited at the prospect of lifting their skirts to a complete stranger to do one thing, maybe they would be interested in trying another...

"I'm looking for a professional couple 30-45 with imagination and

curious about trying the truly bizarre. She loves to dominate - he loves to

watch her dominating. E-mail me to talk about it"

Within a week I had four replies including one who, after talking on the Internet, were intrigued to try what I had in mind.

Although I had been thinking about the mechanics of my punishment for months I was still very apprehensive when I booked into a hotel in leafy Hampshire one summer evening a few weeks ago. Their names were Frank and Sue - he was a teacher and she worked in a bank. They were in their late thirties and had enjoyed some swapping and mild BDSM with Internet contacts, and were intrigued by what I'd suggested to them. I'd explained that I had a deep urge to submit totally to a woman's virility and omnipotence, and that for me the most perfect subjugation would be to be forced to lie under her while she defecated over me as copiously as possible. For me it was a kind of punishment for looking up so many skirts all my life, and I wanted her partner to watch the execution of the sentence to add to my humiliation and learn to fear the power of his woman's bottom better. What I was looking for in Sue was a real 'executioner' mentality too - someone who really wanted to not just experience, but actually relish and be turned on by using, awesome power over her male victim. We had written about the planned submission several times and I could sense that they were both turned on by the prospect of doing something so bizarre.

We agreed to meet in a nearby pub at seven and if we felt comfortable with each other to have a big meal at my expense in the hotel restaurant before carrying out the sentence upstairs. I brought with me a folding punishment toilet, which I had put a lot of care into the design of and which packed into my case. It comprised a timber frame with cross pieces at about 11" from the ground which braced the structure and once I was under the throne would pass across my chest and pinion me. My wrists would be tied to the two side cross pieces. The upper sides of the frame were covered with plywood 'modesty panels' to give intimacy to the event, but I purposely left the front panel open so that I could see my executioners stockinged legs clearly and so that if she pissed it would stream out and forward over my body. The rear was also open of course so that her partner had a clear view of my fate and also to provide plenty of light and air. I expected a gross stench when the action began and I was certainly right about that. The top of this 'punishment throne' throne was a mahogany toilet seat - I set the height at 12" above my face to get a clear view of the action myself. I was also afraid that if her anus was too close I could suffocate if the turds filled the whole space between the executioner and her victim. Two 'side boards' about 4" high ran front to back under the punishment point just far enough apart to hold my head still and upright. A plastic sheet would cover the carpet, I wound lie on that, and the device would be placed above my face. Once pinioned there was to be no going back, but to make absolutely sure there was no chance of any entreaties of mine influencing Sue I asked her to wear a Walkman when she was performing over me and to listen to Glenn Miller tapes to drown out any cries. I also thought that this would help isolate us and set her far above me.

When we met in the pub it was clear from the start that this was going to work out well. Frank - who's role was as referee and observer - was a bout forty and a tall quiet guy Sue was perhaps 35 and nearly six foot tall with blonde hair cut shoulder length in a pageboy style - an athletic looking but heavily built woman full of excitement and energy. Really sexy - lovely smooth skin. And the hint of a magnificent arse hidden under there - a real man-eater. She still played some basketball it seemed, and ate lots of potatoes and greens so I could expect a real "seeing to" later. She was wearing a very classy blue pleated skirt and blue high heeled pumps. As we ate dinner we chatted and she talked a lot about their sexual interests, and particularly about how she had been attracted to my ad because she had recently really got off while thrashing a guy at a BDSM event. She had broken the stick on him, and felt very turned on now at the prospect of humiliating someone even more completely. To give me a run for my money she hadn't taken a dump since the previous morning, and had taken her last two pees standing over the bowl to avoid accidents. Now she needed to go bigtime. As soon as this meal was complete we needed to get down to business.

It was exciting and scary to think of this big attractive girl was not just prepared to shit on me but clearly really horny at the prospect. Half way through the steaks she suddenly whispered to me, "Listen I want to get off on you feeling nervous now - drop your napkin and when you pick it up take a good look at what's in store for you. As I went under the table her strong shapely legs were spread wide and her skirt drawn up a little displaying acres of smooth thigh, white lace stocking tops and a mass of creamy French Knickers between her loins. I felt very excited and apprehensive - she was big all right. "Now run your fingers up my thigh to give me a good reason to really punish you afterwards. Frank won't mind - not when he sees what your fate is going to be". I immediately ran two fingers up the inside of her leg and to the side of he moist pussy at the top. "That's quite enough," she said pulling away, "You'll be very sorry you did that soon. You are REALLY for it now pal. As we left the restaurant she gently kissed my cheek and said "good luck, you'll need it. We won't speak again"...

It was Frank's job to secure me for execution of sentence and we made our way upstairs. I lay on the plastic sheet and the punishment throne was placed over me. My head was pinned between the boards and my wrists secured and for good measure he tied my feet to a leg the nearby bed so that I was quite helpless. Then he went down to fetch Sue. I lay there for maybe ten minutes, starting to seriously worry about this. She was a very big and strong woman. But then the door opened and in they both walked, him to take his place at the back of the throne and her with her Walkman on to stand in front of it with her back to me. She didn't even glance down at me - from down there although I couldn't fully see up her skirt yet, her thighs looked so formidable - I felt like a hapless spider spotted crossing the carpet and whose end has come. She could have flattened me at any moment with her strong graceful legs

Slowly, her back towards me, she hitched up her skirt to reveal a powerful and shapely arse covered with cream and chocolate trimmed French Knickers which she eased slowly down to her thighs to reveal for the first time large smooth buttocks set widely apart and with just a light down of pubic hair around her vagina. It was a killer's arse for sure, big and shapely and cruel. Purposefully she settled down onto her new throne and I could feel it bend under her weight as her buttocks filled the oval hole in the seat, her cheeks seeming to cover the sky form horizon to horizon cutting off all light from above. Her closed anus hovered a foot above by face. Frank watched fascinated, saying nothing, and I could hear the tinny sound of Glenn Miller on the Walkman. I felt the hard soles of her blue pumps come to rest firmly on my chest and her sharp heels press against my shoulder blades. There was a strong scent of woman and Chanel perfume from her under parts. I had no idea what would happen next and I felt afraid. Arses are so much bigger than faces this close up - when they meet there is no contest.

After a few seconds she let fly a loud rasping fart and the fetid air struck me in the face. A short pause followed and there were two further farts like escaping compressed gas and I knew her stool would follow. She pressed down hard on me with the soles of her shoes and I watched in awe as her anal rim spread out wide and a big turd began to emerge slowly. It slid out like a fetid salami sausage - dangling down closer over my nose until it was about ten inches long when it broke free and fell across my mouth long and firm. Her anus closed and there was a few moments silence.

This first experience of being shat on and what must have been two day old dry feces lulled me into a sense of completely false security. So this was what it was like to be on the receiving end - I could take it after all! I gazed up at her orifice in fascination - was there anything else left there? A few moments later and I had my answer. The heels dug into my shoulders making me yelp with pain and all hell broke loose out of her bum. Hot brown soft ordure tumbled in a remorseless stinking flow from her backside, flying off in all directions and plastering my head with a bucketful of turds that built up into a deep cone over my whole face in moments. At that moment I finally understood what total submission felt like. I gagged and struggled and pleaded and a scared Frank said, "Jesus, watch out' you're plastering him and he can hardly breathe," but the feet pressed hard again and another avalanche of five or six hot turds landed over me as she strained for total evacuation.

After this climax Sue strained to release every last small turd but I was already so complexly shit on by her it made no difference. And then she did something I wasn't expecting. While she held me pinned hard between her heels, she produced a vibrator from her handbag and slipped it under the seat from the front into her moist vagina, her fingers feverishly working around her clitoris and masturbating herself feverishly a few inches from my face. She was so excited by dominating me in this way that she climaxed quickly and often, and on the third orgasm shot a last disgusting turd onto my forehead and urinated in a strong steaming fountain forwards and over my chest. Then she stood up and without looking down wiped her arse twice, hitched up her knickers and walked out of my life with never a glance backwards.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2005, 05:59 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Respect 101

Peter had led a sheltered life up until his admittance to Stanford. The finest boarding schools and a home life in a wealthy Connecticut suburb had resulted in his being, at 18, naïve beyond his years.

Hormones do surge, however, even in a white-bred youth such as he, and he had spent the first month at the big University frustrated in his efforts to secure the sexual favors of the coeds, the way he had hoped he would be able to do. He realized it was nearly hopeless for him, a nerdy little freshman, trying to compete with strapping blonde California football players who knew how to, y'know, act cool.

And so, when Carrie, a friend from prep school attending an all-women's college, invited him to come visit, he gladly accepted. He figured that, with the ratio of prospects in his favor, he might fare better than he had been doing previously. Besides, he had always had a bit of a crush on Carrie, with her smart demeanor and that beautiful red-brown wavy hair of hers.

When Peter arrived, Carrie introduced him to the three upperclasswomen, Michelle, Laura, and Sarah, with whom she shared a suite in the mid-rise dormitory. She made mention of the fact that peter had been statewide junior champion in chess his senior year in prep school. To this, the woman named Laura replied flatly, "I can beat him". The other three looked incredulously at her. "Are you sure, Laura? He must be pretty good," said Michelle. "Go get my chessboard and I'll show you."

It was then that peter saw his chance. He asked Laura if she liked to make bets, which she did, and then offered that he would bet he could beat her in chess, and the reward for the winner was that the loser had to do anything that he (or she) ordered until sunrise the next morning. Without hesitation she agreed. "Good", thought peter, "now all I have to do is beat her, and then she has to 'spread-em'". He laughed to himself over his cleverness.

From the first few moves of the game it was clear that this woman was no beginner. Peter thought to himself that he might actually have to use a brain cell or two to win this game. By the end of the opening Laura had actually gained position on peter, though at the sacrifice of two pawns. Peter began to worry a little bit. "How could this happen?", he thought. "Nobody just casually beats me in chess. This must be a fluke." He rubbed his head, so as to get a fresh focus on the game. Finally, he watched as Laura made a move that left her Queen wide open for attack and he went for it. No sooner had he grabbed her queen than Laura launched a surprise combination that led, irreversibly, to inevitable mate of Peter's king. Peter had just lost, embarrassingly, to a woman he had never heard of before, lost his chance for some bedtime action, and to make matters worse, he was now this woman's sworn servant for the next day.

His one consolation was that Laura was not bad looking at all, with nice bulging breasts, and full hips and a derriere that made him sweat.

The afternoon got underway, and Peter soon began regretting the whole business. Laura dragged him around on a shopping trip. They had just gotten into Her car, when She ordered him "give me your wallet". peter stammered, "But...wait...I need..." "So you're backing down on your end of the deal, then?" She interrupted. "I don't think so, pal, a bet is a bet, and you lost, now hand it over!" Meekly, Peter proferred his wallet, wondering how he would explain to his parents about the credit card bills.

After they had gotten back and Peter had obeyed all orders given pertaining to unpacking and putting away the dresses and shoes and such, they went out into the living room of the suite where the other women were watching TV. They talked about what to do that evening, and settled on taking it easy with some "pizza and suds" and a couple of flics on the VCR. Laura gave Peter his orders and, handing him a few bills from his wallet--holding onto the wallet itself, lest he should get any ideas about early departure--She made him go out and take care of the arrangements for the evening.

When he got back, he heard laughter which ended quickly as he opened the door to the suite, and as he entered, the four women were looking at him with impish grins, as if they were holding back further laughter. He put down the goods which he was sent out to get, and the women began to help themselves to dinner. When Peter reached for a slice, Laura swatted his hand away. "Who said you were getting any?", She glowered at him. "You've got some nerve, mister. If you had asked first, I might have considered throwing you a crust, but I think you could stand to learn a little respect, am I right? Let me guess, you came visiting here from UCLA to try to get a piece of ass, no? Typical go put a film in the VCR-we'll start with 'the First Wives Club', please, and make it snappy."

Peter was mortified at this treatment, and at the way the women seemed to see right through him and his tawdry little plot. He blushed as he followed this last order, and when he was done, he sat down on the floor at the end of the sofa that three of the women were sitting on, feeling mighty stupid.

After a while, Michelle, who was also sitting on the floor, became uncomfortable, and complained, "y'know, we really should get some more furniture in here. That one couch just doesn't cut it." "Well", said Laura, "for tonight, you shall have your wish-I'm sure that pitiful Neanderthal over there would make a fine cushion to sit on." The women laughed, and Laura pointed at him "Go on, lie down and be a couch! That's about all you're good for, anyway." His face red with shame, Peter humbly laid face down on the floor behind Michelle's feet. Michelle was a heavy-set woman-not fat, but no lightweight, and Peter felt first the softness of her derriere through her sweatpants on his back, then the brunt of her weight as she sat down fully. She giggled for a minute, saying "I don't know, he's kinda mushy to be a good seat", as she almost fell backwards down his side. Then Laura suggested that she sit on him "horsey style", but when she tried that his arms interfered with her legs.

Then Michelle put on a devilish grin, saying "I know what would be comfortable". She turned peter around so that he was face up, with his head away from the TV, and sat down hard, making a sound come out of him like "whupfw". She was obviously beginning to enjoy this. She bumped up and down once, and then a few more times quickly, causing a series of little "hufs" to come out of peter. Then she wriggled back and sat down on his face, her full buttocks completely smothering it. "Hmm, now this is comfortable!" she exclaimed, and stayed seated. peter was able to breath only through the small openings between the sides of his nose and the insides of her ass-cheeks.

While the women ate and drank and watched the movie, peter became more and more miserable. The weight pressing down on his nose was beginning to hurt and the pain and humiliation was beginning to wear thin. He decided he was going to forcibly abscond, promise or no promise, but remembered his wallet. He seemed to remember it up on the coffee table in front of the couch where the other women were sitting. He figured he would make a grab for it. In any case, he wanted out of this situation, wallet or no wallet.

And so he gathered his strength and made a break for it, throwing a squealing Michelle to one side and jumping up. He reached to grab his wallet from the coffee table before starting for the door. But suddenly his head was jerked back and he was thrown to the floor again, hopelessly entangled in some sort of exotic head-lock. He struggled, but it was no use. "Forgot to mention it," Laura intoned, "but Sarah happens to be an expert in Jiu Jitsu, and you are now in very deep trouble." The sound of Laura's voice as She said that made him shudder. "How shall we punish the intractable servant?", She asked, rhetorically. "Well, for starts, he shall resume his duties as a seat, but under the posterior of his direct superior, this time..." she answered herself, pointing to Her own rear-end. As She sat down on his face, She warned "and I would strongly recommend against any further fractiousness."

This time peter found himself getting a wee bit turned on. Laura was lighter, and the ass that now engulfed his face was gorgeous in the extreme. He found himself imagining what it would have looked like without the red shorts She was wearing. He couldn't help it, but the pleasure he was taking began to show through his jeans. Sarah noticed first and, pointing at it, rolled her eyes. "Well, now," said Laura, "isn't that pathetic?" Then She lifted Her ass slightly and looked down at peter, saying "What am I supposed to do with you? You aren't supposed to be enjoying this, so it looks as if your punishment needs to be augmented a bit." And with that She sat back down. peter felt Her body tense slightly and then, through the cloth of Her shorts, came a fart that blew itself nearly straight up peter's nose, filling his senses with a powerful, musty odor that reminded him of boiling cabbage, only with a rotten edge to it. The women were all laughing hard with that, and began taunting him, but still, for some reason he could not get his erection down. "Hmm...Laura said. Seems he enjoys breathing his mistress' digestive gasses, too. Now what do we do? We'll just have to start coming down hard on him." Then She paused and closed Her eyes, pushing out another little fart. "Hmm...I wonder if our little worm would like a taste of urine?" The women laughed in amazement that Laura could consider such cruelty. She looked down at him. "Ever drink piss before? No? Well guess what. Now's your chance, 'cause that beer just went right through me, and I gotta go, big-time!", and then She pulled the crotch of Her shorts and panties to one side, revealing a beautiful vagina that seemed to pout down at him.

peter was even more turned on by what met his eyes, but there was no way he was drinking any piss, not even from that beautiful flower of a vagina. "This is weird-I'm outta here!", he thought to himself. He would just make sure to dodge Sarah, this time, he thought, and tried his luck one more time. But Laura didn't fall off him so easily, and as he struggled to get free, She shouted "You'd better stop that right now!". He didn't and, with fire in Her eyes, She raised a fist high up into the air over Her head, and with all Her might brought it down to smash peter's balls. All the fight left peter in a flash of pain so intense it made peter wish he had never been born. His entire body felt like it was shriveling up, his head throbbed, and he could hardly breath. He faintly heard female laughter through the ringing in his ears and he saw flickering brown patterns as the world around him began to fade...

"This one needs to be taught a serious lesson." said Laura as She glared down at the unconscious peter, still pissed off. She took advantage of his restfulness to make a few arrangements. First She got up and pulled Her shorts and panties off completely, then She sat back down on him and undid the fly of his jeans. Reaching into his underwear, She pulled out his genitals and got a good, solid grip on his testicles, giving his scrotum a half-twist to improve control of Her grip on them. "There, now when he awakens, I will have a little control panel to use."

When peter began to come to, his eyes opened first a little bit, and then widened as he saw Laura's bare ass-hole staring straight down at him. Then he realized that something felt different about his balls--that his most precious, vulnerable belongings were now under the complete control of the Superior Goddess whose organs of excretion were now poised inches from his face. "Rise and shine, potty boy!" Said Laura. "You've really pissed me off, this time. I'm going to have to think hard to come up with appropriate ways of dealing with you, now."

Then She spread Her cunt lips slightly and moved into position over peter's mouth. "I gotta go now, so open your mouth", She said. At first peter hesitated, but then he felt Her fingers beginning to crush his already aching testicles. The pain became more than he could stand, and so his mouth flew open with a gasp. At first, just a few drops of deep yellow urine dripped from Laura's piss-hole, then a thin stream grew to a full one and peter's mouth began to fill up. Then She cut off the stream. "Swallow it." She ordered. Her urine was strong, and peter was wondering how he could ever swallow the sour, salty tasting liquid, but he didn't wonder for long, because the pain began welling up from his groin through his lower abdomen, and he knew then that there was just no possibility that he could endure the pain levels he knew that Laura could effortlessly inflict on him, if She so decided. So he closed his eyes and, with one big gulp, swallowed the mouthful. "Very good, potty boy, now open up again." peter opened his mouth and Laura sat down to press Her vagina over his mouth. This time She didn't hold back, and the hot urine hissed into his mouth full force. He could barely keep swallowing fast enough, and it kept flowing for what seemed to peter like hours as his stomach filled up with Her golden fluid. When She was done, She looked down at him, saying "Very good--you did it! Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Unfortunately, you have been very, very bad and have made your Superior Goddess rather angry, and your punishment is not over yet. In fact, now comes the hard part. You see, I was going to let you off with just the piss, had you not acted up even after I warned you. But now I'm going to have to be sure you learn your lesson very well. Unfortunately for you, in my anger, my stomach got all churned up, and now I have to do Big Business. And when I do, you, my little worm, are going to eat every bite of my excrement."

peter turned pale. He couldn't conceive of how he was going to manage. He had to get away, somehow. The thought of making another escape attempt entered his head, but then he remembered that God-awful pain, and fear froze him in place. By this time the other women were jeering loudly. "Way to go, Laura!" yelled Sarah with uncontrolled glee. "Give the pig what it deserves!"

Suddenly a powerful fart trumpeted from Laura's bare sphincter and blasted up peter's nose and across his eyes, blowing a few strands of his hair from his forehead. The smell was much worse than the first times, overpowering, pungent--like nasty feces. He almost gagged on the smell alone, and his heart filled with dread as he tried to contemplate what Laura's product was going to taste like. He couldn't help it, but he felt so helpless, his eyes began to tear up, and he sobbingly began to beg for mercy. "Please, mistress Laura, have mercy on me and don't force me to eat from your beautiful ass-hole..." he whimpered. "So you don't want to eat my shit, huh?", She said. "Well that's OK, you don't have to--just as long as you don't mind having your testicles ruptured, that is.", and gave an evil laugh, to which the others heartily joined in. "Actually, you should be considering this an honor. In fact, why don't you tell me, right now, what a privilege it is to be allowed to place your lips around my ass-hole and eat everything I defecate? Say that you want to eat my shit, go on--do it!" His testicles wouldn't allow him to do otherwise. Through his agony and sniffling, he wailed "OK, OK, I want to eat your shit..."

He could tell by Laura's squirming that She had to go pretty badly by now, and he began, for the first time, to accept that there was nothing he could do to the avert the inevitable. One last plea for leniency was cut off abruptly--"Shut up, worm!" squeezing and pulling his nuts so hard that he screamed in pain, coughing and gagging until She let up. Then came the command. "OK shit boy, nature calls! Now open your mouth...wide." peter looked fearfully up at Laura's lovely puckered asshole, deeply set between those two perfectly smooth, beautifully rounded ass-cheeks. There was absolutely no escape.

"Mmmh, I think I feel it coming real soon", She said. He lay there, whimpering timidly with his mouth wide open as ordered and his eyes wide open and full of fear as he stared up at Laura's little back door. He silently prayed Laura's urge was just a false alarm--perhaps just a really big fart that needs to come out. She did give another little fart, but just then, to peter's abject horror, Laura's asshole began to open slightly. A long, slow, hot fart hissed out directly over peter's mouth and nose area. A cheer went up around the room. "Do it to him Laura, make him fuckin' eat it!" Her body tensed as She made little moans "unh...unh...oh it comes..." Then Her pucker bulged a little and widened and a brown dome appeared in its center. It pushed the rim of Her ass-hole out and down slightly towards peter's still-open mouth. Then, with another grunt from the Beautiful Goddess, the bowel movement began in earnest, and a fat, glistening, light-brown stool began to exit Her body and enter peter's mouth.

peter, already overcome by the stench, felt the warm moistness of Laura's shit on his tongue and then nearly gagged in horror and disgust as it pushed further into his mouth. Just as Her turd reached the back of peter's mouth, Laura pinched it off, moved Her ass to one side and looked down at him. "If you throw up, you lose 'em, you got that? Good. OK, potty boy, now EAT IT!" and as She said the last two words She squeezed his genitals mercilessly. peter desperately began chewing, astonished at the powerful, wicked, bitter taste of Laura's shit, far stronger and worse than he had imagined. "How could such a gorgeous being produce something so wicked?", he thought to himself. "All right, enough chewing," said Laura, after a minute, "now...swallow my it now! I'm watching, and if you don't get it down, you don't even want to think about the pain you're going to feel, you worthless little receptacle." peter tried to swallow a couple of times, involuntarily gagging. "Having problems? Here, let me help!" Shouted Laura as She increased the pressure on his aching gonads. Again, with one big gulp peter swallowed, and gagged several times as he felt Laura's excrement sliding down his throat. "There, now I hope you enjoyed eating that as much as I enjoyed shitting it, because there's a lot more where that came from!"

Laura quickly got back into position, spreading Her ass cheeks slightly with Her free hand and lowering Her anus over his face. "Now, for the rest of it," She said, "and, you'd better eat fast, because game time is over!" Her ass-hole quickly spread, and peter looked ruefully at the huge, moist turd as it moved toward his gaping mouth, a few bits of what looked like peas in evidence at the squished part where it had been pinched off. As She pushed, She sat down hard on his mouth, and didn't let up this time. peter was forced to swallow without chewing, because She was expelling too fast for him to be able to chew it all. As the shit continued to flow from Laura's rectum directly down peter's throat, it became softer, and a sharp, bile-like odor and flavor began to invade peter's senses. After what seemed like years, it began to slow up, and then stopped with a final pinch of Laura's anus. Then She smiled beatifically down at peter, saying "Ohhh, boy did that feel good. Tell me, potty boy, did I have a little diarrhea toward the end, perhaps?" She said and giggled mischievously. By now the other girls were laughing hysterically and holding their noses. One went to throw open a window.

peter was so overcome with the horrible pain and the flavors he had been experiencing that he hadn't noticed it when Carrie, standing right over his head, had hiked up Her skirt and pulled off Her panties. "My turn", She said, squatting down from the other direction. Carrie positioned Her asshole over peter's open mouth, grunted a couple of times, and as Nature took its course, She looked deeply into his eyes, and said, "Yes peter, you do deserve this. You deserve it for that stupid little crush you had on me in high school--or didn't you think I could tell? So, do you like eating my shit? I hope so. Woof it all down, loser."

And so potty-boy was the toilet for all four women that night. They tethered it to the kitchenette plumbing by using a cable-type bike lock looped through itself and a $1.95 padlock which they closed around its scrotum above the testes, and they all made a point of "having to go" at all hours of the night, waking it for frequent force-fed snacks.

potty-boy had just had the honor of receiving the first and most important lesson it would learn in college. Never again would it fail to recognize the superiority of the female sex.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2005, 05:38 AM
oregonswinger's Avatar
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 23
Default Prisoner

I have thought of an idea for a further "punishment" adventure:
I probably mentioned before that I believe in the punishment fitting the crime, and I firmly believe that men who are violent towards women should receive their punishment from women, and especially should be humiliated by women. The scenario is that women put this idea into practice as an experiment, to punish and treat sex offenders to humiliation. The punishment toilet is used for this treatment (of course), and rather than bringing the women into the prison, it is decided to take the offenders out into the community to be punished. I picture myself as a student at a local college (studying physical education perhaps), and we are approached to see if we would care to take part in the experiment. The college has been contacted by the prison to see if it can help in this punishment experiment, and it is thought that the women on the physical education course would be best suited for this. A group of us are called to a meeting, where it is explained to us what is required. A small group of prisoners will be brought to the college, each day for a week. They are to be in a special bus, in which the upper floor is like a public toilet, with cubicles, and the prisoners are contained within the lower floor; fastened into special punishment toilets. The bus will be brought to the college during the lunch hour, and they need one woman to use each of the toilets, each day for a week. We will be able to wear masks, to remain anonymous, and the prisoners are not told where they have been taken. The preference is to find volunteers who normally have a dump at this time of day, and who are not on a period that week. After some discussion, a small group of us are picked, and for the first week, it is to be Karen and myself who get to use the loos! That's the background, and from now on I will use the third person to describe what happens, and I will call myself Jane.

Phil is a bit of a loner at college, and isn't very good when it comes to talking, and socialising with girls. For a while now, though, he has been infatuated with Jane, a rather athletic PE student, and he loves to watch her from a distance, but finds it difficult to get into a conversation with her. One Monday lunchtime, he is in the canteen, sat where he can see, from a discrete distance, Jane having lunch with her friend Karen. He has often watched these PE students at lunch, and is amazed at the amount of food they put away; and today they seem to be eating even more than usual - seconds; thirds - they are certainly hungry. The two seem to be laughing and joking about something as they eat, and Phil watches them, fascinated.

Now back to the story. Phil is watching Jane and Karen as they enjoy lunch together. He is rather infatuated with Jane, and he has noticed before that she has a good appetite, but this meal today is amazing. After a while they get up and leave the canteen, and Phil watches, and then follows at a distance - fully expecting them to go to the loos. He has noticed before that Jane usually goes to the loo after lunch; and he has had a few naughty thoughts about watching her in there. To his surprise, they walk on past the loos and out into the car park. He follows as they walk across the car park, headed for some kind of bus that he hadn't noticed before, right out of the way at the far end. There is a small group of students, mainly girls, stood near the bus, and Phil casually gets closer to try to find out what is happening. He approaches the bus from the opposite end to the students, taking a close look as he does so, and he notices a "Prison Service" logo on the cab door.

Now Phil had read something about experimental forms of punishments for sex offenders, and he remembered that one of these experiments involved putting the offenders into special toilets, to be used by women. He was thinking about these things as he dew near to the group. Karen and Jane had climbed the stairs onto a sort of entrance platform, where they were waiting by a door, chatting to the rest of the group below. Karen, the loud one, was laughing and joking with a group of girls, as she stood there in her tracksuit. Jane, wearing a white blouse and tennis skirt, was leaning against the railing, looking contemplative, and joining in only occasionally. To his delight, Phil found a position, where he could look up at Jane, behind her, such that he could see up her skirt as far as her white knickers. The sight of her strong, tanned thighs and the outline of her shapely bottom were almost too much for him, and anyway, he thought he should move before she noticed him! Just at that moment, to his surprise he heard someone break wind quite audibly, followed by much laughter. It was quite obviously Karen, showing off to her friends, but almost at the same time, he thought he detected a gentle hissing fart coming from Jane, who was very close to him and facing the other way. His thoughts were confirmed shortly afterwards when the smell of the "Silent but Deadly" reached his nostrils! Just then, Jane turned and noticed him. She blushed slightly, and then smiled, and moved over to where Karen was joking with the others. The door of the upper deck opened and a man in prison service uniform invited Karen and Jane inside. Phil stood there for a while thinking, and listening to the conversations of the girls nearby. It was all falling into place: This prison van was obviously a mobile "punishment toilet", and Jane and Karen had just gone inside to use it. Someone inside that van was about to be confronted with the bottom that had just let off that smelly fart, the owner of which had recently eaten a huge lunch. Phil didn't know whether to take pity - or to be a little jealous. He sort of wished he could see what was happening!

Phil, wandered around outside the prison vehicle; thinking about what he had seen, and about what might be happening inside, and catching snippets of conversation from amongst the girls who were waiting by the entrance. Uppermost in his mind was the glimpse of Jane's thighs and bottom as he had crept up unseen; and he remembered the smell as she had broken wind quietly, whilst waiting, so it turned out, to use the toilet. Was it his imagination, or had she actually smiled at him as she turned to enter the truck? Above all, he tried to picture the two girls using the toilets, and the prisoners within the vehicle - suffering a messy and humiliating punishment...

Meanwhile, Karen and Jane had entered the vehicle and were being instructed by a prison officer. Jane was anxious to get on with it; she could feel her bowels were full, and she looked forward to the moment of relief. She had been rather apprehensive, that when the moment came to use the punishment toilet that she would only need a pee, or that she would only be able to poo a little; but the way she felt at the moment told her that this was going to be a big one. She was going to give her prisoner a punishment to remember! Both girls were handed masks, which they put on, and then they were shown to the toilet area - a room similar to most mobile toilets. There were four cubicles, but only two of them contained prisoners today. Jane strode forward into one of them, and closed the door behind her. The toilet looked like most other toilets; the lid was up, and the seat was down, awaiting her; but instead of water at the bottom of the fairly shallow pan, was the frightened face of a man. Jane smiled at him wickedly. She was going to enjoy this!

As Phil wandered around, he noticed a door into the lower portion of the vehicle, and he figured that this must be the way in to the lower floor - probably to where the prisoners were held. Curious, but at the same time frightened that he might be seen, he checked that no one was looking, and then quietly opened the door. Inside, there was a light on, and no sign of anybody, so he crept in and shut the door. He listened, but could hear nothing, so after a while he plucked up courage to open the internal door to his right. He stepped through and immediately he noticed the smell - someone, not far away, was having a dump. Listening again, he could hear a man spluttering and coughing, and the sound of paper rustling, and guessed that one of the girls was wiping her bum. There were some mechanical sounds, followed by footsteps somewhere above him. There was a row of hatchways to his left, and he carefully opened the nearest one. Immediately he noticed the strong smell of poo, and holding his nose he peered through the hatch to see what was causing it. It was fairly dark inside, and his heart was pounding as he tried to make out the shape in front of him. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a torch, and shone it through the hatch. There, two feet away lay a man, strapped onto a small platform, and his face was completely covered in poo!

Just then he heard a noise behind him and turned to see a prison officer standing in the doorway. "OK - come over here sonny," said the officer. Phil was led trembling to another room within the vehicle. "Can I go now?" he asked. "In a moment, you may go," said the officer, noting down details from Phil's student card. "You are to report back here at 12.30pm tomorrow promptly". "What for?" asked Phil, his heart sinking. "You wanted to see what happens in here - well you are going to find out. We have two spare cubicles so we can fit you in!" smirked the officer. "Now get lost!". Phil was shown out into the bright sunshine outside. The group of girls was just dispersing, but he noticed a couple of them turn to look at him, and then giggle. Red-faced, Phil made his way back to the college building. He wished he could be anywhere but here - and what was going to happen tomorrow?

Phil was in a daze as he walked back towards the college for afternoon lectures. What had he done? He felt so humiliated - but he realised that the worst was still to come. He found difficulty concentrating during his afternoon lectures; his mind kept wandering. At one point the lecture was interrupted while a secretary delivered an official looking letter to him; he guessed what that was about. He sat there reading through it: He was to report to the prison van at 12.30 promptly tomorrow, and if he failed to turn up there would be a warrant issued for his arrest. Phil felt like a criminal. He gazed out of the window, and realised that he was looking at Jane, out playing tennis in the sunshine, obviously happy and contented, probably with no idea what mental torture he was suffering. He had to turn away, the sight of Jane running around the court; her chest, her thighs, was all too much to bear.

As Karen and Jane had made their way back into college after their adventure using the punishment toilets, they compared notes, and details about how they had just humiliated their prisoners. Both girls were feeling very satisfied and in high spirits as they walked in to a meeting with their tutor. As soon as they walked in, Mrs Adams, their tutor took them both aside for a word. She asked how they had got on, and what it was like, and Jane got a suspicion that Mrs Adams was rather jealous of them! She explained to them that a student had been caught spying, and that he would be punished by being put in one of the punishment toilets tomorrow. She had already contacted Sue, another PE student, and arranged for her to make up the numbers. However, there was a slight complication, in that Sue, not having done it before, was reluctant to punish a student who might recognise her; and Mrs Adams was asking if either Karen or Jane would mind using that particular toilet. Jane had a fairly good idea who the unfortunate student was, having caught Phil looking up at her knickers, and without hesitation, volunteered to do the deed. She would show that pathetic loser what she thought of guys who sneak a look up her skirt!

That night, Phil found difficulty sleeping. Every time he closed his eyes, he found himself picturing the scenes of the day: The girls in the canteen; the sight of Jane's knickers and the sounds and smells of the girls farting; then the smell inside the van, and the sight of the prisoner with that huge pile of poo on his face. He wondered which of the two had done it, and which of them would be using the toilet he was to be placed in tomorrow. He tried to imagine how it would feel to be fastened into a toilet, awaiting his punishment; and of course the humiliation that was sure to come as other students found out about what he had done, and how he was to be punished. Yet somehow as he thought of Jane. His infatuation got the better of him, and he actually found himself becoming aroused....

Meanwhile, Jane had had a very pleasant evening out with some friends at a restaurant. Some rumours had got around about the punishment sessions, and when asked if she had taken part, Jane had to admit to it. "Oh I wish I was at your college," said one of her friends. "Go on - tell us all about it" said another; so Jane gave them a brief explanation of her adventure. "...And you did a number two on him?" said a friend, rather too loudly, and Jane blushed as she noticed a man at the next table looking at her. "Shhh! You don't have to tell the whole world!" she said, but secretly she was rather pleased at all the interest and envy she had aroused. "Do you get to do it again tomorrow?" "Of course!" smiled Jane as she helped herself to another large portion of vegetables; and she went on to tell them how Phil had been discovered spying, and that she was to punish him tomorrow after lunch...

Next morning, Phil awoke feeling quite wretched. He had had very little sleep, and he had hardly managed to eat at all since yesterday's unfortunate event. He looked again at the letter he had received, and realised that he had to go through with it or he would be in worse trouble, and might end up being kicked out of the college. Arriving at college, he began to imagine people were looking at him, and more than once, he distinctly saw people turn and point at him. He wondered just how many people knew of his plight.

Jane arrived at college, looking forward to the day ahead. After the meal she had suppressed the urge to go for a dump, as she reasoned that if she could wait, she would get all the more satisfaction from her lunchtime movement. The urge passed after a while as she thought it would, and she had slept peacefully, and woken to a hearty breakfast. The only drawback to not having moved her bowels last night seemed to be that she had rather a lot of wind, and was letting off a few smelly farts, but she was able to keep them quiet on the whole; a technique she had practised more than once before! She had talked to Karen and Sue and they had agreed to meet up for lunch together, and Jane went about her studies diligently, looking forward to lunchtime.

Time was passing all too quickly for Phil, and he was still having difficulty in concentrating. In between lessons he had noticed Karen striding down the corridor, and shortly afterwards, as he was reading a noticeboard, he suddenly noticed a smell, like someone had broken wind, and he turned in time to see Jane walking away. She turned briefly and smiled as she went on her way. Phil felt wretched. He wanted to speak to her, but he felt sure she knew all about him and how he was to be punished. Then he wondered if it was to be Jane that carried out his punishment, and he consoled himself with the thought that perhaps he might get a close view of her bottom!

All too soon the hands of the clock reached half past twelve, and the end of morning lectures. Reluctantly Phil made his way across the car park towards the prison van that was already parked there, in the same place as yesterday. He was aware of one or two people pointing and staring at him as he made his way, and some girls close to the van giggled as he went past. He knocked on the door, which opened almost immediately, and a prison officer led him inside and closed the door. He was led into a small room where the prison officer took some details and asked a few questions. There were two other men there, who were handcuffed to rings on the wall. The two men sneered at him, and made remarks to each other about him. Phil was showing signs of fear now, and one of the prisoners spoke to him. "That was a stupid thing to do yesterday," he said. Phil agreed, "I just wanted to see what went on". "Well you will soon enough - and you won't like it," said the prisoner. "I still haven't recovered from yesterday's session, I have hardly been able to eat a thing, and I was sick all afternoon". "Yeah, I didn't feel too good either," said the other; "and the worst thing was - she was actually enjoying herself as she did it!" The conversation ended abruptly as a woman prison officer appeared and led Phil out of the room. He was taken to the place where he had been caught yesterday, and told to lie on the bench. As soon as he was laid down, the prison officer applied some fastenings to his hands, his feet and his head, so that he could hardly move any part of his body. She operated some machinery, and the bench moved upward towards the low roof where there was an opening into which his head fitted. He heard her walk away, and a short time afterwards he heard footsteps above him, and then light flooded in as she lifted the lid, and he realised his head was inside a toilet bowl and he was looking at the underside of a toilet seat. The officer smiled at him as she fitted a toilet roll into the holder and then she whispered "I wish I could use this toilet - but I'm not allowed!" and she walked off, leaving Phil to ponder his fate.

The bowl of the toilet was arranged such that anything that was dropped into it would end up on the prisoner's face. All Phil could see was the ceiling above the loo; the underside of the seat; and the bowl itself, which curved down to the ring into which his face was held. He was unable to move his head at all, and his arms and legs were fastened as well. He judged that his face was about eight inches below the seat, and he couldn't help imagining a bottom sat above him as he remembered what he had seen yesterday when he had looked in and seen a prisoner with his face covered in poo. There was a light in the rim of the bowl - probably, thought Phil, so that the user could see what she was doing. Then his mind turned to Jane and Karen. He thought back to yesterday, and how he had seen them in the canteen, and he realised they were probably there now, feasting, as they laughed and joked about what they were going to do to him. Right now, although he was actually hungry, food was the last thing on Phil's mind!

Meanwhile Jane had met up with her friends in the canteen, and they were tucking into a hearty lunch. The fact that she had delayed her bowel movement from last night didn't seem to affect her appetite at all, and she was pleased to see that Karen and Sue were equally hungry. Jane liked Sue. She was quieter than Karen, who was always the life and soul of her social group. Sue was full of questions about the punishment toilets - what was the inside of the van like? How about the guards? Do you actually see the prisoners? Do they see you? - and Karen and Jane explained each point, telling her not to worry, just relax and enjoy. "The important thing" said Karen, "is that these prisoners deserve what they get". "We just have to make sure we give them as hard a time as possible; I made sure of that yesterday, and I am preparing an even bigger load for today!" "Same here!" grinned Jane, and they all giggled. After several helpings of food, Karen went to fetch the coffee. "Don't worry," said Jane to Sue, "you will love it!" "I am going to be punishing that creep Phil, and I don't care if he recognises me - in fact I want him to - I have been really looking forward to this!" They sat drinking their coffee, and Karen announced that she was beginning to get the urge, grinning broadly, and rubbing her abdomen. Jane had done a pee early on, and again mid-morning, and apart from several smelly farts, she hadn't really felt how full her bowels were - but now, after a big lunch, she could feel some activity down there, and she too knew that very soon she would be needing a poo.

As they finished their drinks and got up to leave, Sue said that she definitely needed a pee, and she thought she could feel a poo coming. Together they walked across the car park to the prison van. It was a lovely sunny day, and Karen walked in front, keen to get on with the task in hand, and arriving at the platform entrance to the upper deck, Karen farted loudly, provoking a small cheer from the group of friends who had come to see what was happening. "Who gets to punish Phil?" asked one of the girls, and Karen pointed at Jane, who smiled, slightly self-consciously as there was a small cheer from the crowd. Then the door opened, and the three went inside, eager to begin the task of punishing those who deserved it. Sue and Karen were given masks to wear, but Jane declined. She rather wanted Phil to know who was punishing him. She took time to tie her hair back, as she felt sure she would be bending forward to look between her legs while she was using the toilet. As she stood there, getting ready, and watching the others, she could feel that her bowels were very full indeed, and that she needed a poo in no uncertain terms - and very soon! The woman officer led them through to the toilets, and Karen and Sue were shown to the loos that contained the prisoners. Then she came back for Jane who was still preparing herself. She showed Jane to the loo that contained Phil, and smiled broadly at her as Jane stepped inside. Jane closed and bolted the door before she turned around, and looked down. There below her, framed by the seat of the toilet, was Phil's face, gazing up at her with a horrified expression. Jane grinned wickedly at him, whispering "I've been waiting for this!", and then turned and lifted her skirt. She stood for a while, astride the toilet, savouring the moment as she let Phil stare at her bottom, before slowly lowering her knickers, and making herself comfortable on the seat. As she sat there, feeling the comfortable wooden seat under her bum, she removed her knickers completely, allowing herself full freedom to hold her legs apart, so that she could look down at her victim.

Phil had lain there for some time, and was feeling more and more uncomfortable. He could hear the other prisoners having a conversation of sorts, until the officer told them to shut up. In the silence that followed, Phil thought he could hear voices outside, and he guessed there was some sort of crowd gathered around the van. Some time after that he heard voices, and then footsteps up on the top floor, and he knew that his time of reckoning was close. The footsteps went by and he could hear the doors closing in the other cubicles, but still no-one appeared in sight. He heard the other prisoners moaning and cursing, as the girls got ready to use their toilets, and Phil was puzzled. He thought perhaps that Karen and Jane had both gone to punish the same prisoners as yesterday, and perhaps after all he would be spared - and then the door opened, and his heart sank. There, above him, but with her back turned, he could see a girl's fair hair, tied back in a pony tail, and having locked the door Jane turned and gave him a wicked grin. Phil's nightmare was coming true! He watched transfixed as Jane hitched up her skirt and stood over him. He was looking directly up at her smooth thighs and her large, but firm bottom and he couldn't stop himself becoming aroused by the sight. As he watched, she slowly lowered her knickers, and her bare bottom descended until she was sat on the seat above his face.

Jane sat for a while, fingering herself. She wanted Phil to know how much she was enjoying this - that would teach him to look up her skirt like that! As she sat there, she could hear sounds of action in the other toilets. Karen was letting off several noisy farts, and she could hear Sue grunting gently. The aroma of poo was starting to fill the place, and she wanted her prisoner to hear and smell all this, as he awaited his own punishment. Her bowels were telling her it was time to start, and she bent forward and looked down, as she started to pee.

Phil could indeed hear and smell what was going on, and he could see only too clearly what Jane was up to as she sat there stimulating herself. Her bottom seemed to fill the hole in the seat completely, and it would have been quite dark, had not the light in the rim of the pan been provided. Phil could see the hairs around Jane's crotch and the moistness of her pussy, as she rubbed it. He was only about eight inches below her, and he could sense the womanly odours, as well as the toilet smells. He could also see her pink rosebud pouting at him, and he couldn't help wondering about what was probably about to emerge from it. Then he saw Jane looking down and grinning and suddenly there was a torrent of pee splashing all over his face. He closed his mouth and his eyes, but he could taste and smell her urine as it continued to pour down. Phil began to wonder how long this would last, and how good the seal between his face and the bowl was. If Jane continued to pee faster than it drained away, Phil feared he would have to drink it - or drown.

As she looked down, Jane could see the look of anguish on Phil's face as the bowl began to fill up. She kept the pee going as long as she could, and saw to her satisfaction that he was trying desperately to hold his breath. Then, just as her pee slowed to a trickle, she released a long hissing fart, and watched Phil's eyes widen. She paused and then farted again, as she began to push down. Now she could feel her bum opening, and as she looked down again, Phil had a horrified expression, and he was trying to plead with her. She pushed some more, deliberately trying to prolong the moment, and she could feel the poo was going to be very thick indeed. Jane continued to finger herself as she pushed, and as she looked down she could see the tip of her poo moving slowly down towards her victim. One more push, and the poo was starting to touch his lips, as he desperately tried to avoid it, but he was held much to securely for that. Again Jane paused, savouring the moment. She had the dual pleasure of feeling a very large poo sliding out of her bum, and at the same time, aiming it at her intended target, and observing the look of absolute revulsion on his face. It was as though, yesterday had been a mere rehearsal for today's performance!

For Phil, things could hardly have been worse. Having received an unintentional mouthful of pee, which he found he couldn't spit out; he heard and smelt those farts which he knew heralded the start of his real ordeal, and that the dreaded moment had arrived. As he tried to beg for mercy, his eyes were fixed on Jane's rosebud, as it opened, slowly, wider and wider. Phil could see the tip of her poo emerging slowly, and pausing tantalisingly as she looked down and watched his reaction. Phil was taken aback by the thickness of the emerging poo. He hadn't imagined anyone could produce poos of this size. He had noticed an enormously thick poo lying on the track at his local railway station a few weeks ago, and he had wondered then, what sort of a person had done that - and now he was looking at one even thicker, and it was inching it's way towards his face. The stink inside the pan was appalling, and Phil couldn't take his eyes from the huge log above him as it hesitated, and then moved on with a gentle crackle as it emerged from Jane's anus.

For a while, Jane waited, her poo touching Phil's lips, as she continued to stimulate herself, all the while revelling in the situation. Then gently, but firmly, she pushed down again, and she could feel the resistance as the tip pushed against his face. "Open wide you loser", she whispered to him. "Go on - do as you are told". To her delight, Phil opened his mouth, and she pushed some more, and watched as her filth started to invade his mouth, and he began to cough and splutter. As she looked down, she could see that a couple of inches of her poo had forced into Phil's mouth, which was open at full stretch to accommodate her huge log. Jane relaxed, and the poo was severed, and remained sticking upright from his mouth, as she sat looking down at what she had done, and preparing herself for the next poo. She could feel her bowels had plenty left in them yet. Sitting a little more upright, Jane pushed again, and there was a gentle fart as her bum started to open, and another poo as thick as the first began its journey down towards her victim. This one was coming out faster than the first and Jane enjoyed the feeling of the smooth, thick log passing easily through her passage. As she looked down again she was able to aim the log so that it slid across Phil's nose, and then she released it so that it lay diagonally across his face and up the side of the pan.

Phil felt utterly disgusted and sick as the poo forced it's stinking way into his mouth. The taste and smell were indescribable, and he suddenly wanted to vomit, but he managed to control himself, although it brought tears to his eyes. As the poo dropped away from the rosebud above him, Phil was hopeful that his ordeal was almost over - but then he heard the fart and saw the hole opening again, and he realised she was teasing him. As he lay there, helplessly watching this second big log descending, Phil realised that far from hating his tormentor for the treatment he was receiving; he was actually admiring her more. Despite feeling sick and humiliated as he lay under her filth, he began to recognise what a creep he was, and that this girl was quite entitled to do what she was doing, and in a strange way, he was glad that she was enjoying herself.

Not that Jane had finished yet. She could see the tears in his eyes, but she meant to teach him a lesson he wouldn't forget and besides, she still had more to do. Once more she began to push, and this time, two big logs came out quite quickly, and landed over his nose and eyes. Then there was a noisy fart, and a few small pieces of poo landed on top, followed by a further stream of pee. As Jane looked down, she could hardly see any of her victim at all - just a panful of her poo; and as she looked down she brought herself, panting, to a climax. For about a minute, she sat there, breathing deeply before she carefully wiped herself, pulled up her knickers, and walked out in search of some fresh air. She had heard the others finish and leave some time before, but as she left the toilet area and opened the door to the reception room, there they were, both waiting for her with huge grins. Together, the three of them emerged triumphantly from the van to be met by cheers from friends waiting outside. They had some stories to tell that afternoon.

Back inside, Phil was left, his face completely covered in poo, and with the remains of Jane's pee dripping own onto his face. The taste in his mouth was absolutely vile, but he didn't care any more. Phil had the satisfaction that his discomfort was Jane's pleasure, and that was what really mattered to him. He realised that he actually wanted to be Jane's slave...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2005, 08:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Surprise Girls!

It was late in the afternoon, almost time for the all-girls school to call it a day. Abby glanced at her wristwatch again, five minutes of three. Standing, she smoothed her skirt down over her wide hips and called attention to her class of fifteen year olds: "Class, remember to bring your report tomorrow with you to class, these will be graded over the weekend and I expect a good report from each of you this time. Your last report showed you didn't put much thought into your work ... so I am expecting a dramatic improvement this time, don't disappoint me!" Abby looked at her wrist watch again ... "Class dismissed."

The girls all began talking at once as they gathered up their assignments and slowly departed the classroom.

Abby began her work, grading other papers the girls had handed in that day. She worked at it for the better part of an hour before she gathered up the paperwork and began putting it away. Before she left the school for the day, she headed for the restroom. As she was passing a room next to the bathroom, she heard a noise coming from the spare room. Silently, Abby crossed over to the door and placed her ear against it. She heard a strange moan coming from the room. Gripping the knob, she gently twisted it until the door opened a fraction of an inch. Seeing nothing from her vantage point, she became bolder and pushed the door open further. The moans were louder now and she slipped into the room.

Over in a corner, behind some old desks, was a long table and one of her students, named Rebecca, was seated on it, her skirt pulled up above her waist. Her panties were lying on the table beside her as she was leaning back, eyes closed and softly moaning.

The reason she was moaning came from another girl, kneeling on the floor performing cunnilingus on Rebecca.

"What do we have here?" Abby charged over to the two girls.

Rebecca grabbed up her panties as she slid her skirt down as the other young girl hid her face in her hands.

"So ... you've been eating Rebecca?" Abby grabbed the kneeling girl by the hair and yanked her head back. "Shame on you girls! And you, Keri? What do you have to say for yourself?"

Keri remained in this position, kneeling as Abby kept her fingers entwined in her hair and remained quiet, her face covered with Rebecca's secretions.

"Please don't tell my parents about this, they will kill me!" Rebecca pleaded.

"I don't know," Abby studied..."It might be best if I tell them!"

"Oh don't do that!" Rebecca fell to her knees before Abby, "I'll do ANYTHING you ask, just don't tell my parents about this!"

"Anything?" Abby raised an eyebrow. "ANYTHING covers a whole wide spectrum, my dear."

"I promise I'll do anything you ask, I'll dust the erasers, stay in detention as long as you like ... just don't tell my parents!" Rebecca begged.

"Well ... there might be something you can do for me ... say, this weekend?" Abby loved the way the young girl groveled.

"YES! YES! That would be wonderful," Rebecca had tears in her eyes now ... "just don't tell my parents about this!"

"Well maybe, that is if you'll do whatever I want ... then I won't tell your parents about this," Abby smiled.

"Oh thank you, thank you very much!" Rebecca hugged her teacher's legs.

"Now you get out of here, Rebecca...but you stay Keri...I want a word with you," Abby watched Rebecca pull on her panties and hurry out the door. "Now you, Keri, you keep your mouth shut about all this. And Saturday, you come to my place as well, say around 7:00?"

"Yes Ma'am." Keri got to her feet and was gone in a moment.

Saturday at 7:30, Rebecca rang Abby's doorbell and quickly the door opened.

"Right on time, at least you've learned one thing from me." Abby stood to the side as Rebecca slid nervously into the front room of her teacher's home.

"You have a lovely home, Ma'am," Rebecca said as she looked around.

"Thank you, Rebecca., but follow me now." Abby started down a hall and turned into her bathroom.

"You want me to clean something in here?" Rebecca asked.

Abby laughed at this idea, "Well, maybe ... later though." Abby picked up a small chain that was lying on the floor that was wrapped around the base of the toilet. The other end went into a shower stall. Abby opened the shower door ... "You may come out now, slave."

Within seconds, a young girl came crawling from the shower stall.

"KERI! What are you doing here?" Rebecca gasped.

"My dear, Keri has been my slave for the better part of this year. She needed quite a bit of training to get her accustomed to what I need, but now she is a well-trained slave." Keri was already bestowing kisses on Mistress Abby's feet.

"You mean Keri is your slave?" Rebecca stammered.

"Does that surprise you?" Abby smiled. "Keri is a well-trained slave now, look at the way she is kissing my feet!"

Rebecca watched Keri kissing Abby's feet. "Is that what you want me to do for you?"

"To begin with," Abby smiled down at Keri.

"There's more?" Rebecca grimaced.

"Yes, there's a WHOLE lot more ... slave, you may remove my clothes now."

Immediately Keri stopped kissing and started removing her Mistress's clothing until Abby was standing entirely nude. She was heavy, not overly fat, but heavy.

"Remove your own clothes now," Abby told Keri. "I've got Keri trained to kiss ANYTHING now...and lick it too! But slave Keri has a very special taste for something, don't you, my dear?"

Keri slid out the last of her clothing and on her knees slid around behind Abby and began kissing her back there.

"Do you know where she's kissing me now, Rebecca?" Abby asked.

"It's obvious where she's kissing you now," Rebecca blanched.

"Where?" Abby questioned.

"She's kissing your rump." Rebecca moved back a little.

"Yes, she's kissing my ass," Abby wiggled her butt in Keri's face. Keri moaned loudly.

"She likes that?" Rebecca gasped.

"Yes, very much ... if I let her, she'll just stay back there," Abby nodded and stepped away.

Rebecca glanced at Keri and saw her eyes glazed over.

"You may get my chair now," Abby nodded to Keri.

Still on her knees, Keri slid over and brought forth a low chair that had the legs cut off to about half their original length. Sitting the chair in the middle of the room, Keri slid beneath the chair, face up. Abby sat down in the low chair and the lipsmacking sounds began again. "She's kissing again!" Rebecca said.

"Slave, you may start licking now," Abby permitted.

"Thank you Mistress," and the slobbery sounds quickly filled the room.

"You want to watch her licking me? Get down on your knees so you can watch...go on. Get down on your knees," Abby ordered as she drew Keri's legs up high and draped her own legs out over the arms of the chair.

Rebecca dropped to her knees in front of Keri to watch her tongue work .... "SHE'S.... SHE'S licking you right where you go to the bathroom!"

"Yes, and it feels so good too!" Abby moaned out loud ... "and you know what comes out of that hole, don't you?"

"Yes," Rebecca answered.

"What?" Abby questioned the staring girl.

"Poop!" Rebecca answered.

"That's right my dear ... hot, stinking shit!" Abby remarked.

Keri moaned again.

"Look at how wet her pussy is now. Do you now see how much she loves my asshole?" Abby asked. "Open your mouth wide, slave."

Quickly Keri stopped licking and opened her mouth.

Abby's face changed as she strained hard and the nose of a turd quickly appeared in her asshole and marched out till it was out about two inches long and maybe an inch and a half thick.

Keri's tongue came out again and began washing the end of the turd.

"She's licking your shit!" Rebecca could not believe what she was seeing.

Keri closed her lips around the turd and bit through it, severing it completely and began chewing it.

"She's eating it!" Rebecca gasped. "She's chewing it up! Does she swallow it?"

"Yes, she swallows it. She loves to eat my crap!" Abby grunted again and more shit came sliding out, much softer in texture this time.

"That is disgusting!" Rebecca turned away, but quickly came around to view this obscene spectacle.

"Yes my dear, your friend is a shit-eater!" Abby grunted again.

Keri chewed and swallowed as fast as she could to get as much as she could without it touching the floor.

"EAT MY SHIT!" Abby grunted obscenely.

"Keri! You are the filthiest bitch I ever knew! This belies description or belief! That is so nasty!" Rebecca uttered.

Keri continued to chew each morsel that dropped from her Mistress's asshole. By now they were just nuggets and soon these were finished. At this point Keri began licking and sucking at her mistress's asshole, trying to retrieve every last little particle of her crap ... but finally it was finished and Abby got up from her chair and Keri rolled over on her knees.

Abby turned around, settling her knees on the chair and pushing her ass out full and open. Keri began smearing a vegetable oil all over her Mistress's butt hole, letting some trickle inside the hole. Setting the oil to the side, Keri slid two fingers up her Mistress's rectum. This was quickly joined by a third and a fourth.

"WOW!" Rebecca uttered.

The thumb followed and very soon her whole hand was embedded up her Mistress's rectum. Keri twisted her hand back and forth as she pushed deeper and deeper until her elbow was now about to pass through her Mistress's asshole.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Rebecca starred.

"NOOOOOOO! It feels soooooooo gooooooddddd!" Abby rasped and grunted.

"Eeeeeee... !" Keri squealed as her elbow bumped her Mistress's asshole and she began to pull it back out. When her hand popped free from her Mistress's asshole, her hand revealed a soft, goopy slab of filth --- hot and steaming --- and Keri quickly jammed her fingers into her mouth. Her hand had come out with at least a half handful of shit, a soft almost runny crap and it dripped down her face, covering her face as she tried to keep most of it in her dirty mouth. That was a losing battle as shit covered her face now as she plunged her fist back up her Mistress's rectum. For thirty minutes longer, Keri plunged her fist in and out of her Mistress's rectum before she pulled her fist back out and glued her mouth up to the rear cavern and began sucking as her tongue swabbed the walls of that stretched out rectum. Her arm was covered now with a thin film of vegetable oil and crap which Keri was beginning to lick up as Abby got up from her kneeling position.

"Isn't Keri a GOOD slave?" Abby asked Rebecca.

"That's incredible!" Rebecca answered as she was still watching Keri.

"Rebecca, I am going to call your parents now." Abby left the bathroom.

"NO!" Rebecca jumped up and followed Abby from the bathroom.

"No?" Abby stopped in her tracks ... "That reminds me, you DID say you'd do ANYTHING I wanted of you??????"

Rebecca blushed with remembering her earlier words.

"And .... I would just LOVE to train you to be my slave," Abby slid her arm around Rebecca's waist.

"Would I have to eat ...?" Rebecca blushed again.

"Of course ... but that would come later though, after I've trained you to be a complete toilet!" Abby looked the girl in the eyes. "You can always stop right here and let me make that call."

"I... I don't know... that is just so terribly disgusting!" Rebecca answered. "How can she do that?"

"I've got news for you, she LOVES to eat my dirty crap! She just can't get enough of it. There have been times I have been able to get a Mistress from Chicago to help me with her!" Abby explained. "At first, I had to whip her a great deal. I used hot wax on both her breasts and cunt several times ... nipple clamps and pussy lip clamps. So you see, I DO have my methods to get a slave agreeable to my needs!"

"And you want me to do this?" Rebecca hid her face.

"Yes ... VERY MUCH!" Abby smiled.

"Oh I can't! That is just REVOLTING!" Rebecca began to cry.

"You see, it's the very idea about it all that makes you sick! Keri has often told me that my shit tastes like candy .... you see, the smell is not the very best ... but I will accustom you to that smell and you will be able to lick me back there in no time ... that's the way I trained Keri," Abby explained.

"You mean I won't have to eat anything?" Rebecca asked

"In time you will, but first we'll just go slowly, build you up to this spot .." Abby consoled Rebecca. "Now why don't we go back in with Keri and start?"

"What do I have to do?" Rebecca asked as she tried to stop crying. "First, take off your clothes and we'll go into the bathroom again ... there your training will begin," Abby smiled. "Go on now."

Rebecca began fumbling with her blouse and slipped out of her bra. Abby eyed the young girl's breasts as they came free and, when Rebecca hesitated with her slacks, Abby pulled them down for her ... "Get out of those panties ... NOW!"

Quickly Rebecca slid her panties down and blushed brightly from the way the school teacher was looking at her. Taking Rebecca's hand, Abby pulled her towards the bathroom. When they entered the bathroom, Keri was still licking at her arm. Abby took her position in the chair again and pushed out her ass ... "Smell my ass now!"

Slowly, Rebecca sunk to her knees behind Abby. Holding her breath, she held her nose right up to the puckered opening which was still big because of the fisting she had just endured.

Reaching back, Abby held Rebecca's face up to her ass ... "I know you're holding your breath so I'll just hold you this way until you get a good whiff."

Rebecca held her breath as long as she could before she had to take a whiff. Strangely, there was little odor because of the amount of time Keri had spent licking and sucking back there earlier.

"There now, it doesn't smell so bad, does it?" Abby asked. "So why don't you give my butt-hole a nice juicy kiss?"

"I've never done that before!" Rebecca pulled back.

"You mean you and Keri never did this to each other?" Abby asked.

"I never even ate her pussy!" Rebecca answered.

"Maybe I over-estimated you. I'll go make that call." Abby started to get up.

"No!" Rebecca pleaded. "I'll do it!"

"That's a good slave, plant your pretty lips right on my shit-hole and give it a nice, big kiss!" Abby wiggled her ass.

Rebecca puckered up her lips and gave Abby's asshole a light kiss.

"You call that a kiss?" Abby growled. "Come on, give my shit-hole a real big kiss! Do it or I'm going to have to get out my whip!"

Rebecca puckered up again and gave Abby's asshole a longer kiss.

"That's much better ... but you can do better this time ... give it a good long one this time... like you really love that nasty hole!" Abby wiggled her hips again in Rebecca's face.

Again Rebecca kissed, but did not kiss long enough to satisfy Abby so Abby got up from her chair. "You leave me no choice," and walked over to a hidden camera in the wall. Taking the camera down, she said "Guess what is in this camera?"

Rebecca swallowed hard ... "You had a camera all this time?"

"Yes, sweetie, and I have a shot of you kissing my asshole ... just what do you think your parents would do if they saw that photo?" Abby laughed. "I bet they never thought their own little girl was so nasty!"

Rebecca swallowed hard as Abby took out the polaroid and showed it. Indeed it was exactly as Abby had said it was, it showed her kissing the teacher's asshole.

"Aren't polaroid's wonderful?" Abby laughed. "Now are you going to do as I ask, or I am going to have to send this to your parents?"

"That's blackmail!" Rebecca answered.

"Yes it is! This is the way I trained Keri ... and see how she is now. Tell her Keri, tell her that my shit is delicious!" Abby encouraged.

"It's true, Rebecca. It tastes like candy to me!" Keri smiled.

Rebecca started crying as Abby took her place again on the chair. "Remember, I want a good, long, juicy kiss this time!"

Rebecca wiped her tears away and leaned forward, planting the juiciest kiss she could right on Abby's asshole ... and lingered long enough to satisfy Abby.

"There now, that wasn't so bad ... was it? Now I want you to lick that hole until I tell you to stop!" Abby demanded of Rebecca.

Tentatively, Rebecca's tongue touched Mistress Abby's butt-hole. She hesitated a moment before her tongue started licking and within moments her tongue was rolling around in Abby's back door opening.

Abby's fingers glided between her thighs and found her clit and began massaging it wildly as Rebecca's tongue made love to her asshole. She let Rebecca lick at her butt-hole for about ten minutes before she pulled away ... "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" and pulled down another polaroid camera and flipped out another photo. This photo plainly showed Rebecca licking the woman's asshole.

"Another photo?" Rebecca whined. "How many cameras do you have in here for this?"

Abby laughed ..."You'd be surprised at the number. I need several to properly train a toilet slave! Now that I have these photos, I know I've got you all to myself. Next time, you'll lick my asshole BEFORE I shit! Won't that be nice? You can go get dressed ... but I'll expect you back here next weekend for that next lesson ... meantime, I have a few more games for Keri ... I need to piss really bad! Go on, you may leave now!"

Rebecca rushed out of the bathroom and dressed hurriedly before leaving.

During the following week, Abby did not in the least show Rebecca any difference in the class ... and Rebecca asked Keri about it.

"That's just the way she is, honey. She doesn't ever give you away, she is very discreet about this." Keri walked with her.

"How can you do that? It must taste terrible? Are you doing it because she has got you blackmailed?" The questions came rapid fire.

"Heavens no, girl. I actually love that nasty taste! You actually get so you LOVE that taste and it gets me soooo hot to know I am making her come when I am dining on her shit," Keri whispered as a couple of other girls came along. "To tell you the truth, I am kind of jealous of you."

"Jealous of me? Why in the world for?" Rebecca asked.

"Because you're going to get what I want so very badly!" Keri answered.

"That's NOTHING to be jealous of, I would think you'd be glad to not have ALL of it," Rebecca replied.

"You just don't understand," Keri looked up at the clock. "It's time we got ready now. In just an hour we have to be over at Mistress Abby's home. I wouldn't want to be late for that!"

"Yes, that would be a shame ... but I am looking forward to it!," Rebecca said.

"Really? I just knew you'd come around!" Keri said.

Within an hour, both girls were at Mistress Abby's home. They let themselves in and both went towards the bathroom where they both knew their Mistress would be waiting for them.

"Right on time," Mistress Abby beamed with pride. "Hurry up and get undressed. Keri, you place that collar around your neck and then place that second one around Rebecca's neck. I've really got to shit tonight ... but this time, Rebecca, you will lick my shit-hole first, before I shit for Keri! Hurry now girls, I'm on fire!"

"Yes Mistress," both answered and quickly removed their clothing.

Meantime, Mistress Abby had assumed her position in the chair again, face down as before with her big ass outward.

"Hurry girls, my asshole is tingling with anticipation!" Mistress Abby wiggled her rump.

Rebecca assumed her position and thrust her face between the moons of Mistress Abby's ass and quickly rolled her tongue out.

She had licked only a couple of minutes when another woman slipped into the room and grabbed Abby's arms and twisted them up behind her back. With a lurch at this predicament, Abby tried to get away, but this woman quickly had Abby's arms held tight with duct tape strapped around the arms of the chair. Then she went to work with the kicking legs. Within minutes, Mistress Abby was all tied up.

"Hi, mommy," Rebecca finally broke in. "I thought for a moment you'd never get here."

"Thanks for leaving the door unlocked darling ... but now we have more pressing needs at hand." Rebecca's mother, Francine, turned to Abby. "So, you were blackmailing my daughter were you? Threatening to expose her little affair with Keri ... well, you're going to get your due tonight. Tonight, YOU'RE the one that's going to eat shit!"

"Yes mommie, she was going to make me eat her shit soon. She had all kinds of methods and ways to make a girl succumb to this desire," Rebecca gloated at the tied up position Abby was in.

"I have a few ways of my own." Francine reached into her bag and pulled out a big butt-plug and, without any lubrication, jammed it up Abby's ass to a high pitched squeal. "Hurt, huh? Well that's what you deserve, you filthy cunt!

Francine began removing her jeans while Rebecca got a china plate from Abby's kitchen cabinet.

"Thanks, honey." Francine took the plate and set it down on the floor under her ass and within moments was delivering a thick, long turd. It coiled about on the plate and by the time she finished, it had to be somewhere around 12 inches long. "There now, bitch, stick your face down into that pile of shit and start eating!"

Abby shook her head no.

"Too good for you?" Francine laughed. "By the time I'm finished with you, you'll be wolfing that dirty pile of crap down! Honey, hand me that candle from my bag."

Rebecca handed Francine the candle.

"Now I'm going to set this plate of shit right down under your face and you can start eating it ANYTIME you like ... which I believe will be very shortly!" Francine yanked the fat butt-plug from Abby's ass, covered now with a thick film of shit.

Keri grabbed it quickly and tried to get it in her mouth, but the plug was too big, so she just licked at the head of the plug.

"Now, you stinking slut ... I'm NOT going to wax you in the normal method ... this wax is going straight down that stinking butt-hole of yours!" Francine laughed. "I always wanted to do this to a woman ... this is my chance!" Francine started the wax dripping. She didn't hold the candle up high so the wax would have time to cool as it dripped, she held it only six inches above Abby's asshole. As the wax started dripping and running down into Abby's asshole, she let out a high pitched scream. "That's it bitch, scream your head off," Francine said and she dripped several more drops.

"You MAY start eating my sweet shit ANYTIME you like ... when you start eating it, I will stop the waxing!" Francine promised. "But NOT before!"

Rebecca dug into her mother's bag and pulled out a camcorder and positioned herself right in front of Abby. "START EATING MY MOTHER'S SHIT!"

Abby squealed again and tried to jerk away, but her wrists and ankles were secured very tightly. The wax in her rectum had built up until her asshole was full by this time ... so Francine blew out the candle and brought out a big spoon and she began digging the hardened wax from Abby's rectum.

"STOP!" Abby groaned. "That is killing me!"

"Who cares?" Francine laughed. "Do you think eating shit is a healthy thing to do ... that is what you were going to blackmail my daughter into doing!" and she continued to dig out wax and shit from Abby's rectum. When she had halfway finished her digging, she lit the candle again and started waxing all over again.

Abby squealed and twisted about heavily and suddenly dipped down and took a bit of the shit, a small bite.

"Chew it up REAL good, DON'T just swallow it quickly. Chew each bite at least a dozen times!" Francine laughed. "Like you really LOVE it!"

Abby bit down through her bite and made a sour face. Rebecca began the film, directly towards Abby's face.

"Stop making that face!" Francine slapped Abby's butt.

Abby chewed her small mouthful the dozen times before Francine told her to swallow it. "Does my shit taste good? Take another bite, a bigger bite this time!"

Every time Abby stopped eating, Francine began waxing her all over again and this always caused Abby to take another bite. Over and over she took bites until her lower face was covered with a sloppy mess from chewed-up shit. She even had shit in her ears and her hair from it hanging down into the pile ... but finally she finished.

"You THINK you're through don't you?" Francine laughed again. "Lick that plate clean! Lick it, bitch!"

Abby began licking the plate, trying to get up the sticky shit and finally she had licked up the final traces of shit. "All right, miss blackmailer, we'll take our leave, along with our film. "I'm sure Keri will untie you after we leave ... so good-bye, YOU FILTHY SHIT-EATER!" Francine pulled on her jeans as Rebecca dressed hurriedly and soon the two left the house.

On the way home, Rebecca scooted over close to her mother, "I ... I was just thinking ... mommie .... Keri liked eating shit so very much ... I ... I ... I ... was just wondering?"

"Yes?" Francine smiled, knowing full well what her girl was going to say.

"Well, I was just wondering...what shit tastes like!" Rebecca blurted out. "Maybe ... you could ... you know."

"Baby!" Francine giggled. "You want to eat my shit?"

"Maybe a little," Rebecca blushed at the thought.

"Well, I can't just now," Francine wiggled her hips. "Tomorrow morning I can do it for you."

"OH, THANK YOU, mommie, thank you!" Rebecca hugged her mother.

"What if you were to shit for me?" Francine asked. "Would that be better for you, I mean it wouldn't be so humiliating."

"You'd do that?" Rebecca hugged her mother.

"Bite for bite!" Francine smiled warmly as she looked at her inquisitive daughter.

The ride home was spent with Rebecca's arms wrapped around her mother's waist!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2005, 08:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Scatia Village

My name is Rebecca; it's been a while since my adventure, so I'll share it with you as best as I can recall: A single girlfriend of mine, Amanda, had decided on a vacation last May, her first real break since college. She had decided on the Caribbean Islands. She asked me to go with her, but as I didn't yet have any vacation time coming, had to decline. When she came back, she was a different person. More alive, more wild, but strangely. . . more private. She didn't say anything more about it than one word answers like kinky, unbelievable, oh, my God. . . She simply said that she would be my sponsor for a special island retreat, because you had to know someone or be invited to get into the village. It is on the smallest island, nicknamed Lesbos, "and for good reason if you remember your Greek mythology." We both are bi, but mostly too nervous and inhibited to really let ourselves go, ever since we "explored each other" in college. Of course, that was totally the most erotic experience I ever had, but short-lived since our sisters at the Sorority house were starting to get suspicious. . . but then, that was only a year ago. We joked about doing watersports things together, but never did. In fact up until this trip, I didn't even know there was a word for it, let alone so many people so hard-core into it where they openly shared about it on the Net. She brought up those fantasies we had again, and warned me that if I was as turned on by those thoughts as she was, things might happen on the island way, way perverted!

She said it was expensive to get into Scatia up front, but everything would be provided including airfare and all transportation once paid as a package, and I make good money. The following Thursday I had made my reservation, and left after charging the $4500 five day 'Lesbos' toll, in painful suspense with all of the hype from Amanda. "We'll have lots to share when you get back," she said when she dropped me at the airport.

I get off the tiny propeller water-plane, and couldn't believe how beautiful the scenery was, how perfectly clean the ocean was--so clear, the bleached-white sand, and the trees so green. The air was so humid I had to tie my long red hair back. I wore Jean shorts and an orange cotton T-shirt, with the jean jacket over it, already sweating, but I was ready-to-go with a thong bikini underneath. I don't usually flaunt it, but I work hard for this body, and I've been told it shows. As I walked up to the huge wooden gate, I was a little suspicious since it was more than ten feet high, and stretched around as far as the eye could see. It actually felt as though sirens were calling, although, it was more like a scent, or a pheromone, as my nipples turned to stones that my 36-C's could barely support. As I had eaten a large lunch and a lot of food at the airport of the connecting flight, I guess because the anticipation really made me hungry, I could feel it now about eight inches lower squeezing to get out. I flexed my glutes together, but it pushed back. I couldn't wait forever, and I pulled the bell chain again. I hate airplane bathrooms, and besides, have always enjoyed putting off going to the ladies room to the last minute. . . I guess I'm a bit of a masochist.

So I'm taking advantage of the fresh open air, letting go as often as I liked. It's so quiet that it seemed the island was uninhabited, but faintly I could hear recorded drums coming from someplace far on the other side of the fence. The guys finally came up behind me with my luggage, but then just sat them on the dock, and backed away toward the plane at the end of the dock. They just left me there. I screamed after them and waved my arms, for all I know they dropped me on the wrong island!

"I'm sorry, I got a little tied up sweetheart, forgive me, please. . ." came a sweet young voice behind me, as I turned, there was the biggest woman I had ever seen in my life, an Amazon sized, golden-brown tanned brunette standing over me at sex-one or more maybe, effortlessly picking up my two heavier bags. Each of her boobs was about twice the size of my head. I was trying to guess her measurements, but realized she had no need for measurements with no clothes on.

"Rebecca, right? We're delighted to have you. I'm Beth." she kissed me on the cheek casually, but very slowly, and her rich brown eyes smiled. "Amanda gave us a little profile on you, but you are much more beautiful than I expected. Welcome to Scatia." As huge as she was, she had a seductive smile that was just instantly disarming. I checked in, the lobby was beautiful, black and pink, gold trim. A tall ceiling with a canvas roof. My room was even better, though it was much smaller than I expected, but no expense was spared. Beth had left my luggage in my room while I checked in and got info--info and rules. Rules like wear nothing other than panties and braziers. In the room was a whole tray of hors de'ourves on a table. The carpet was completely covered by a thick plastic mat, it seemed. And, what's this, a folded plastic sheet on the bed. I went to the bathroom, that overwhelming ache to dump returning suddenly, I had to go bad. To my shock, there was an immaculate sink-vanity, and a large luxury bath-shower, and I don't believe it, no fucking toilet! Surely there weren't outhouses when there was plumbing for a sink and shower, but where's the fucking toilet, come on? There was a knock at the door, and it was Beth.

"I forgot to tell you, Rebecca--"

"WHERE'S THE TOILET, I HAVE TO GO NOW!" I interrupted impatiently, quite frustrated. She returned a wicked, almost sadistic smile. "Are you trying to tell me there aren't any toilets on this island, I mean, come on. An outhouse? What? Look I haven't gone in two days! Are you going to give me some explanation?" I snarled.

Her smile turned into a hungry glow, finally she answered, "No there are no toilets in the village, but, yes, I will help you. Do you like me, Becky? Do you mind if I call you that, sweetie?"

Her calling me Becky I thought I was talking to Amanda for a second (she's the only one who calls me Becky), and when she called me sweetie, oh. I felt like a little girl, and yes, "Yes, I like you. You're beautiful. So, how are you going to help me?" I began to shudder with anxiety. For who I wasn't sure. But my pelvis was cramping now, and it took everything to clench my cheeks together so I didn't humiliate myself in front of this gorgeous woman.

"I wasn't sure for a moment, I guess I forgot what it was like to have to hold it back for a long time, none of us girls have to hold it here, you see." With that she giggled and stepped in, I kept stepping back afraid she'd knock me down. She lunged on me, and engaged her incredibly perfect covergirl lips--airsealing mine, and any objection I couldn't raised. Only her lips touched me, and after a delayed reflex, my own mouth finally acquiesced and granted her access. When neither of us couldn't breathe through our noses enough, I spun about-face and gasped for air so I wouldn't have those deep sky blue eyes melting my control away from me. Now I thought quickly facing the wall, what am I going to do? I'm going to poop myself right here and piss all over the floor, well, that explains the plastic. Should I run out the door for the trees and drop them?

Then I felt her breasts wrap into the sides of my shoulders, then her hands, slithered around my sides, under my armpits, and cup my breasts. Ung, mmm, huh, I lost motor nerve function obviously and couldn't speak. My knees shook as I fought them from buckling. My defenses were on vacation, too, I guessed. "...if you're kinky enough" Amanda's voice echoed in my mind. " toilets in the village...wear only underwear..." oh, my. OH MY! What WAS this island about, precisely? Now her hips were grinding on my butt, actually, around my but. She was a large frame, oh, yes. yes. OH! A long whining fart, found an escape, it howled, reverberating my cheeks in a vibration as it tickled my legs, down my pants. My belt was way too tight, that was the problem. Oh, no, right in front of her I farted the worst one the loudest oh my god I ruined it-- Instantly, she had my pants off, then my shirt over my head, my G-string was underneath!

"Oh, sweetie, Becky you're are shaped...sweetie, I can't wait. I haven't eaten lunch, because I was waiting for yours, and I think it's done. Your ass is an 11, so round, like an egg, so perfect, mmh..." Beth groaned. And now my G string was thrown somewhere and she had a pair of white silk panties, with elastic round the waist and leg openings. It was heavy. Now I face her though I could see only her breasts in my face, like enormous punching bags. She leaned forward so they were closer and the nipple, the size of my nose, seemed to jump into my mouth. It had a definitely strong, natural flavor, and had a rich, almost nasty scent, a pheremone, the smell of a nursery came to mind and I felt calm and energized. Her finger was on my pubes inside of these panties, and she brought it out and touched it to my nose, giggling, "Oh, Becky, you're sooo wet. Help me spread the plastic over the comforter, then turn it over so the plastic sheet is underneath the comforter."

"What is all of this plastic for, really? Look, can we do this after a minute or so, I've gotta take a mother load dump, and I can NOT wait ... Beth?" she was ignoring me, and I'm really getting nervous.

It was done, and we were on our knees facing each other on the bed, hands on hands, sort of like we were kneeling at each other, looking into one another's eyes. That's when I lost control, and involuntary muscle reflex took over, opening my bladder full force at once. She must've been smiling at the desperate look of humiliation my face would have been giving away. My hands dove for my pussy, where the gusher came at last. My fingers were at work trying to block the flow or at least direct it, but quite ineffectively. It was no use getting up, I would spray a trail all over the place.

She immediately replaced my dripping, smelly hands around her head, so I would be kissing her lips again, and I felt her hands replace mine between my legs. It was a hi pressure shower, and she kept splashing it up against me inside of my silk panties, and splashing more on my breasts, higher each time. It ran down my front and back now, soaking the comforter under my wet knees, running down my calves, my hot piss across my feet and between my toes. There was no telling how long I could go, it had been an eternity now, and the bed reeked. Now, she splashed me in the face though I tried to keep my eyes open to see, and my hair was turning damp. I was going to smell bad when this was over. (if I only knew how bad!)

She twisted her back to me, and laid back, her long brown soft hair falling toward me, and landing between my legs, smiling up at me, before scooting her head underneath the action. "Oh, no Beth, " I warned as if she didn't know what she was doing to herself. Then I heard her garling me, and I started to laugh, which hurt since the pee was coming out so hard, STILL! Now I heard swallowing sounds; she was lapping me up, and I felt her tongue flicking my clit and vagina, while her lips were almost sucking me dry faster than I could pee, myself. She must have been swallowing every drop! This was too much. "Oh, noo..." I let another one rip out, it sounded almost wet, and seemed to echo off the walls. (I'm sure it was my imagination, but" and you could really smell it. I mean bad. Like the sewage treatment plant or the meat-packing plant. It hovered there, burning the nose. I couldn't imagine how it smelled to Beth down there. Finally, I was just at a steady dribble, and she poked her finger at my asshole, and my body convulsed. More farting seemed to be triggered, and I felt my muscles squeeze like my ass was going to throw up.

"Look, Beth. . ." I pleaded, completely unsure what to say, or what was going on for that matter. It's impossible to drink urine. Isn't it? I mean, that stuff is poison, isn't it? It surely wasn't meant to drink it. She'll be sick won't she? She'll throw it back up any moment! I told myself that what comes from the body can't be harmful what comes from the body must be safe. Yeah. And what comes from the body came in the body, maybe in another form, but it had the same basic ingredients, didn't it? Just then, another involuntary muscle contraction pushed the stuff in my intestines forward with a force my voluntary muscles hadn't anticipated. I felt it poke out, and I groaned loudly as I tried to use my voluntary muscles to retract it. It had an excruciatingly sting that felt as though there were pieces of glass shredding the sides of my sphincter, I was going to bleed from this one. There was no way I was going to poo in front of her. And on the bed! On the comforter, right between my legs...I don't think so. "Beth!" I stared at her trying to convey, "you're not actually going to let this happen are you; I gotta go and now and you seem oblivious." Finally, she broke the silence that was making me feel all the more insecure.

"Becky, dear, just let it come out. It's the most natural thing in the world. Free your body, and liberate your mind from that fear of the unknown." Sure her persuasive words made sense, but this would be disgusting--repulsive, even. Dropping my feces all over the bed? I fretted and shook my head I couldn't.

"What's the matter, did your daddy brainwash you when he potty-trained you? Did he slap you when you pooped your diaper? Did he tell you your shit was evil? Possessed? It's harmless, it's just food without the nutrients, and some methane to make it stink--which I kinda like. Are you afraid of a natural bodily function?"

"Gimme a break. Shit is full of germs and bacteria!" I countered.

"Yes, and where do they come from in the first place?" was Beth's confident retort.

"No, offense but, what about AIDS or herpes or hepatitis or all those STDs; that's just asking for trouble!" I returned after a moment of contemplation.

"That's what you needed that medical exam with your doctor. They normally just give you shots when you leave the country. Remember all of those tests? A digestive lab exam, and we researched your references to determine the frequency and habits for the last six months of your sex life. We do a cursory study of all of our guests. That's the main reason for needing a sponsor to visit Scatia." she answered patiently.

I couldn't think of any other objections besides it seeming sick and perverted. Then again, I did feel like I really enjoyed peeing on her, and the feeling of my piss splash all over my bottom. I knew it was pointless to argue what she already knew, and anyway, she seemed to know more. She was completely beyond my defenses now. I figure if this woman wants nasty, let's see how far she'll go. At the worst, I'd feel uncomfortable. There was a fading thought in my mind saying it was gross and wrong, and even a bad thing. But, strangely enough, it wasn't my voice. Then she released the pull on my panties, so her face was out, and pulled me around, so I lay on top of her, face to face. Her face really reeked from the pee and she was absolutely soaked. Her mascara and lipstick were smeared across her face, and her hair was drenched. Some of the dark yellow fluid ran from her ears and dripped from her nose. Lying on top of her firm body, nipples to nipples, my feet came up to her knees. I kissed her neck all over and buried my curious nose into her hair. It still smelled good like conditioner, but there was no denying the urine. I consumed myself in the wetness, and, especially the stink of my own urine.
The minute I distracted myself from my having to poo, my shit bolted out like it would last as long as my pee. After the razor sharp tip poked back out, my poop was soft and firm, and mashed against my panties, pushing them out and making the silk stretch tight along my clitoris, which was saturated like a damp glue to the panties. She turned her head looking for mine, she had a smile of madness on her face, and we kissed so deep I was sure I would fall into her throat. My tongue found every tooth and examined every crevice of her mouth. Her hand reached down my wet back and held the panties as they filled up. She pulled and applied a little pressure mashing it up toward my backside, and making it collect at my legs where the elastic stopped it. It felt so orgasmic I couldn't believe it. She reached her hand gently between my legs and eased them apart from the tight flex I had. She guided the feces, delicately kneading it along my pussy, my clitoris, getting some in my gasping vagina, and up toward my nicely shaved pubes. It was still so thick that it strained my ass hole muscles like it was coming out sideways. I had hoped I wasn't bleeding. The heaviness, the weight, and the inescapable stink of the poo poo was enough to make me have an orgasm, although I allowed myself several small vaginal orgasms. I couldn't understand the effect this was having on me.

"Oh, yes. It feels so good coming out! You like this, Beth? Do you like holding my doo doo?"

"Yes, very much. Doo doo? What? Is that what you call it? Doo doo?" Beth asked.

"When we were little, yes. Kids call it that." I giggled.

"Doo doo, huh? That's cute. I like that word. It sure beats feces!" Beth was giggling too, but neither of us were distracted.

She still rubbed my shit in, while I continued what must have been a three foot continuous tube. It felt ... beyond words, I never wanted to run out of poop feeling her hand there, massaging me and working it around. My panties felt inflated, and pressed the wait of the shit against from all points. Finally, the end of the shit came in small dumps, very soft and slightly runny, and I farted a lot more. Beth seemed to be more turned on than I was, and then I heard her let a fart of her own that put mine to shame. The smell was quite possibly lethal if I had my nose down on her. "How does that feel? If you still want a toilet, maybe I could work something out." she smiled expectantly.

"I have never done anything like this in my life. Nothing. Even close. I may never use a toilet again!" and I broke into giggles. Once I get the giggles, I'm like a little teasing school girl who giggles all day at anything. "I heard a loud one coming from you, I think it's your turn next!" I said, and stuck my finger up her ass hole, feeling an experience like I had been doing this all of my life. My finger got maybe two inches before I felt the tough tip of something big. Something like a boulder that would start an avalanche if I played carelessly with it.

I lifted myself a little as she turned over onto her back underneath me, and my face lay over her pussy. My nasty paper-thin silk diaper now damp leaked with brown sweat, perspiring through the invisible strands in the material. This would be her entire view as my panties hovered just over her face. As I lay with my face just over her panties, she gushed a piss that brought me tears of envy while I was bending my face down to kiss her flower. I was dying to see her pussy, see it, taste it, eat it, everything. Her panties made no effort to stop her flow, and it all shot through the seams and threads of her panties, which were identical to mine. (except for size, that is) I cupped my hand between her crotch so the flow would contain in the panties better. I could smell the salty, acidic flavor and put my nose and mouth on the stream of white foam that was lathering out of her panties.

Suddenly, I felt Beth sliding down my own panties, which were sticky and pulled on my ass and pussy, and a heavy, mushy hunk of dung wedged between my butt cheeks. Without warning, I felt Beth's tongue probing and devouring my disgusting ass, poop and all. This was too much, and I opened my mouth, not to have an orgasm, and started lapping up Beth's piss. It was foul and smelled like sour, old beer. It was almost syrupy, but bright yellow. Her hot, sticky, stinky piss drenched me, not just my face, all the way down my body. Then I cupped my lips over her pee hole while it filled me at full force. My mouth felt grossly bitter and my tongue wanted to reject it, but I quickly acclimated in my state of arousal, and force swallowed it, sip by sip, drink by drink, until I could lap it up, guzzling it from its source as fast as she could supply it. Now my own ass was smashing Beth's face, and smearing hunks of soft shit all over. Her mmmmhhhing and eewwweeeing were echoing off the walls and that sucking, slurp sluuuuurrrrppppkk, sssllllluuuuuuurrrrrrrpppp sound drove me crazy all the more. I was afraid to turn my head.

I put my finger into her crack again to tease it. Her rectum was flexing, though I didn't think it was voluntary. It felt like it was pulling on my finger. I think if she wanted to, she could have locked it there like a vice. Each time her hole released a second, a sound of rushing gas whished out barely audibly against my hand, fuming the smell in the room thicker and denser. It was strange that it didn't make me sick because I was so turned on, it was like the point of no return. I pulled my finger out to look at it when she relaxed a moment. It was brown! The poo stuck on my finger like caked on like mud only lighter colored. I rubbed it between my index and was so smooth and soft, almost greasy, but it was solid. The incredible Play Poox dough, I thought to myself, awed at my perverse act and the rebellious feeling that lingered in my mind that I was doing something I wasn't supposed to doo. Ha! My heart was pounding as my inhibitions gradually slipped entirely. I brought my finger up to my nose. PU!! This poop was funky. I stared at my finger for a while up close, then rubbed it across my nostrils, smearing some inside. Then I slowly inserted it into my mouth and sucked until it was clean. I had another orgasm. This was an orgasm record for me so far.

But her mouth was working overtime on me, and she sucked all over down there. I couldn't help but to rub and grind my pussy and well buried shit hole all over Beth's face. The thought of a fantasy session with Amanda occurred to me about the subject of asphyxiation, and our pitiful attempt at it. With the erotic thought of that though, I quivered and squeezed my poop lodged in my crotch on Beth's nose and mouth and squeezed my cheeks together very slowly to show her what I was doing.

That was her trigger, because a popping sound, and then several more erupted from her anus, and instinctively pried open the front of her panties as the loaf came out. It came nice and slow, unlike mine, but nothing could have prepared me for the smell that was to come. It was a thick, suffocating odor of gas and poop covering the room like a sewer blanket, cutting any trace of the fresh tropical air, or oxygen for that matter. The room had to be 90% methane, and I gasped in heaves for it; I couldn't get enough. Her piss must've been 300 degrees, but her gas was infernal. Her shit was a rich dark brown, smooth in most places, bumpy and cracked in some others, but it held together like a moist brownie. It got more tan, and also smoother as it progressed. I let a good amount smash up around her hole and cheeks, then kneaded it toward her leg bands, and let her keep pushing the rest out toward the front--toward my transfixed eyes. It was as thick as three inches wide, and so far a good foot pushed out already. The smell was so much better than her pre-shit fumes, that I was actually considering tasting it. I knew if I were watching this from outside a window, I would probably hurl until I puked blood, but being in it, like this, so seduced, so aroused, was an entirely different world. And an entirely different Rebecca!

The length and the weight of the long smooth turd wanted to collapse from the curl around her bottom up her crotch, and pubes toward me made it try to break, but I wanted it whole and held it between my two hands like a snake. Finally, my chin on her abdomen, the front end of the poop gently kissed my lips, then beckoned entrance pushing at my lips. They didn't want to let this foreign thing in, but again, my new found sexual instinct, the curiosity of the unknown was strong over me.

This thing was thicker than any cock I'd ever had, or even seen. Was I going to this? This had to be the most vile, repulsive act a human-being could do. It was still pushing at my lips. It would break if it didn't have a place to accumulate, and my lips were in the way. Ewe, but it stunk so bad! How could I let this huge brown turd into my body? Did Amanda do this? This would be so gross! What would it taste like? Would I get sick and die, like the saying "eat shit and die?" Well, omygod, Amanda must have done it. Was she this gross, this kinky? And she thought I would be. Beth's tongue sent electricity up the clitoral nerve endings, and my jaw spasmed open. She must have pushed or squeezed hard, because that poop log entered me. Rational Rebecca was no where to be found. I was just an animal now. Like the rabbits that feed on their own dump, the dogs that play and roll in it.

Now it scraped over my teeth, and my heart was going boom boom boom. It glazed my tongue and then I felt the weight of Beth's dump completely stretch my mouth apart. My lips cracked and my jaws were at standing room only. At first I didn't even taste anything. Then I did. It wasn't at all like I would've expected or imagined, not that I had thought of it ever before. It wasn't bad at all. It sure wasn't chocolate, but somehow, my heart would've have been racing, and my pussy would've have been aching so if it had been.

It wasn't that bitter. But I gagged and retched. My body knew what it was, too, apparently. But I was determined to go nonstop. Now it filled up around my teeth, and I clenched down in it, feeling how smooth it was, and squeezed my ass on Beth like a vice, involuntarily, as shivers were dominating my body. My pussy was on such fire, I could feel the thump of it's pulse. Now the shit covering my bottom and pussy was tingling, and I knew it would be burning soon, but I didn't care. With that thought, that I didn't care, I opened up my throat for an instant, surprising my reflexes before they could clasp my throat shut and make me retch, and swallowed. I expected one quick gulp. It didn't stop there. Since Beth was still dumping, though slower now, and I was a bit out of breath, the very end of it that was already in the back of my throat stayed connected and pulled its weight behind it. I chewed my jaws to make it smaller, and a pound or two went down. It was piled into my nose, and I could barely breathe. Shit was spilling--or dropping--off of me and splashing in the inch deep pool of piss that we lay in. Immediately my stomach was upset, but I knew it would stay down, and a horrible, putrid belch came up a million times worse than the poop itself.

I was coming now, and the electric wave of shock was about to burst, so I dove my face into the mess that filled Beth's panties, and buried my face with my mouth still open, pressing my face against the mass, making the poop squeeze up my nostrils, cover my eyelids, creep into my ears, clump in my hair as I shook my face back and forth in what was the deepest part of Beth--her own excrement. I clamped my mouth down though it was full, and the shit (this part tasting kind of a grainy texture) bulged out my cheeks. The orgasm took over, the orgasm that to this day I could never top. It boiled up inside and spilled out every pore in my body. It turned all the muscles on simultaneously in my body, and I convulsed a foot above Beth, than landed back on top of her. For the rest of the day I had quivers, smaller and smaller diminishing aftershocks from that orgasm. I would come automatically, and my whole body went limp.

"Rebecca?" Beth slurped, slurring my name with her mouth still half full.

"Yes, sweetie?" I answered coolly.

"You are the best I've ever had. Nothing will ever top that. You are something special, you know that?" Beth awed.

"No, you were, Beth. But were not done, yet, are we?" I giggled, taking two handfuls of Beth's mess into my hands, it took some strength, the top part of it was a slobbery mess, but the bottom was quite fresh.

Then I dropped half of it right on her poor face, I couldn't even see part of it. The other part I spilled across her luscious breasts. Then, I dropped the weight of my body on top of her, the poop between our breasts, squirted out up on my already covered chin. It made mushy gurgly sounds as I vibrated myself on them. Both of our nipples dug into each other's like rocks, and then our faces meshed, sharing our flavors. She turned me over, laying all of her weight now on top of me, but not quite crushing me. And all I could see was brown. She reached into the nightstand drawer and produced a double header U-shaped dildo, and stuck an end in each of us. We got off again and again. I savored the taste of my new natural aphrodisiac, and swallowed more what I could, which was very little at a time. She wiped my face with her hand, and I did hers, so we could see each other's faces again.

"I think you could use some mouthwash, you know your breath really stinks?" Beth smiled again.

"Hey, what can I say. Shit happens." I said and the giggles came back.

"All natural mouthwash. We'll rinse each other at the same time, huh?" she smiled mischievously. And then we 69ed, and I got to see those beautiful half moons jutted down on my face. Her caked on asshole had resumed its tiny size. It was hard to believe how wide it could be when it had to. The we let go a synchronous torrent of piss into each others mouths. The shit juice was hardening in my mouth already, but the piss loosened it up and I drooled it down my neck, along with the vast well of Beth's cum, and gargled and swallowed and molded to each other like few people can. I would never be the same again. I couldn't wait to see Amanda, to share this with her now, but oh how our friendship would be different.

Beth and I showered thoroughly, used lots of cleansers and moisturizers and deodorants, then sat under a UV light to kill any bacteria or germs that could've survived the chemicals. I still smelled, and expected that would take a lot more to dispel. She looked out of the window at the sun, apparently deciding what time it must've been, and grabbed my arm, and said, "Becky, we're in a hurry, I didn't realize how much time went by. We missed dinner, well, you know, the other kind of food, and we're on kind of a strict diet around here. We must eat lots and lots, and exercise lots and lots. We should shit at least twice a day. The pit has already started! I can't believe how fast that went. I'm sorry, Becky this is my fault, put on your panties, there's a fresh pair of the silk in the drawer, now let's run!" "Okay, okay, Beth, I'm comming. The pit? The pit?" I've never been one to tolerate suspense. "The Shit Pit, the Pool Meet. You'll see. Come on."

That irritated me not to have any explanation. But I suppose it would keep me aroused just to imagine what would be next. Ordinarily my expectations far overkill the deserved suspense, but in this case, I knew my expectations couldn't possibly do anything that lay ahead on this island that would let my expectations down.

We had a fantastic feast at the restaurant. Beth told me everything was prepared based upon the way the food would look after it had been eaten. I got the giggles again. The deserts were incredible. We had lots and lots of cooked vegetables and a big pot roast. A little ribs and lots of baked beans. But no, absolutely no corn! Everything was kinda blended together already like a casserole. Casserole in. Casserole out. Wow.

We came to a small cement building with no windows, only a huge machine going into it that looked like a big air conditioner. It was very loud. There was a revolving door on the other side; it had a big UV light in the ceiling of the door panel, and had little holes like spray nozzles in the floor and ceiling. Beth took me by the hand and got in first. She put her back against the rear of the cylindrical door, then pulled me in against her, facing her.

"Don't open your mouth or your eyes, in here, Becky, not until I tell you it's okay. This is going to sterilize us before we enter. Hold your arms apart a little, and your legs, and pull your panties off quickly, hold them in your hand, okay?"

"Okay," I said, a little nervous. Then she hit a button, there was a beep. The compartment moved halfway around so that we were completely enclosed. Then I felt like I was in a dishwasher. What smelled like alcohol jetted from above and below me. It tickled, some shot up at my pussy and burned quite a bit. And I could see the UV glow through my eyelids. Finally, it was over, and it opened all the way around revealing a dimly lit room, and stench was overwhelming, and my knees buckled, and I started to fall.

"You'll get used to it in a minute or so." She sat me down on a bench, and rubbed my shoulders. Her hands felt wonderful, and I completely regained my balance and my senses. The stink was beyond words, I mean, whoa! "It smelled like 100 women shit in here." I told Beth, grimacing.

She laughed, "Oh, silly. More like 5,000, sweetie." It sounded like a locker room. I heard giggling, and shouting, and laughing echoing off the walls like it had been a locker room. She lead me around the corner, and my eyes dropped out!

There were twenty women in here gathered around a...a....a pool, but the pool was brown! Almost black! It was perfectly round, and the sides appeared to be sloped at sharp degree, because there was a taller girl bobbing up and down at the center. It was about ten feet across. Girls were jumping in and trying to climb out, while some girls were pulling their legs back in. It was filled to the rim with poop. I was dizzy again just looking at it. The girls ranged from very pretty to gorgeous. Some were apparently playing games splashing at each other, others were busy furiously rubbing their clits. One trio was in a 696, if there is such a thing. Everywhere, everything was brown---the walls, the floor, the benches, and the girls, of course, from hair to toes. I caught one of the girls by surprise who was squatting over another girl that looked like she might have been blonde under the mess. They must have been teenagers, 17 or 18, they looked too young. The girl on her knees had her mouth between the other blonde's legs and was eating very wet, slushy poop from her....from her PUSSY! She must have stuffed a gallon of shit up her vagina, and the other girl had been plumbing it out of her, gulping every drop. Another girl stood straight up, shooting an arc of piss into another girl's wide-open mouth who lay 6 feet away. Still another couple were riding each other. They had their legs cradling the other's so that their pussies joined, only they were both simultaneously pissing. The sprays met each other, and splattered every which way. Their pussies were smacking up against each others frantically. Those girls were the loudest. They all looked up when we approached.

Beth announces, "I hope you'll make our new visitor, Rebecca, feel right at home here, girls. Go easy on her, though, she just ate, okay?" I still stood there nervous as hell, though I might have an orgasm any second just watching what was going on in here.

A green eyed brunette smiled, calling out, "Don't worry, sexy, it's heated," and giggled. They all seemed to be checking me out, and quite approvingly if I may add.

Another girl, an incredibly hot red-head with a poopy, shaved pussy applauded, shit flying from her hands, called in a slow, soft seductive southern belle voice, "C'mon in darling, this is where the shit hits the fan!" and she motioned for me to join her in the pool.

"You must have had quite a welcome from Beth, Becky, you guys are an hour late!" said a woman who shamed Beth, apparently, she knew her as a coworker on the island.

"All right, who farted?" One of the girls joked. More laughter.

"Hey, shit happens!" said another girl. More applause.

I joined right in with them, feeling quite at home all the sudden, "You're all full of shit. How's the water?" I said.

"Warm, but one body short of the boiling point." came the answer, again from the southern belle. "Of course, it's customary, so they tell me as an initiation, to dive in with your mouth open, so you can get a taste of the history here--"

"But first the rules," said the friend of Beth's, "only no pissing in the pit, only on the floors since there's drains there. And second, no diarrhea---unless you talk to Sara first, she likes to help with those problems," she pointed to a cute small breasted blonde who responded with a blush, under her brown-stained face.

"Poop is the main course, tonight. Followed by dump, dung, shit, and feces for desert. You can wash it all down with some deliciously creamy hot piss!"

And I came to the side, and aimed at the center, and jumped high, not knowing where the bottom might be exactly, and did a perfect swan dive into the center with my eager mouth wide open. I tasted the most repulsive, sickening feces on the way to the bottom, and my pussy fire erupted. On my tongue, I tasted a smorgasbord buffet of several thousand women's combined logs, now well blended, but still not completely after who knows how long. Six years as I would discover later. Some were thick, some runny, some light tan, some pitch black, some tough, some soft and tender, some still very lumpy like big raisins, and some actually almost crunchy. I wanted to die in here. When I came back up, I only saw brown.

I went over to the southern red-head, she said her name was Chelsea. She had huge boobs with oversized aureoles, and piercing nipples. She asked my if she could feed me, and she turned around. She had the most incredible round, perky ass, and it was already twitching.

"A couple of us, me and Laura, decided to hold ours for you. So they've been aging and fermenting just for you, Becky, and I'm glad to now be looking at you." She smiled at me between her legs. She didn't pull her cheeks apart, so I let my face handle that, too. There was her log, now, peeking out. Even with the incredible stench of the room, her smell was clear. Her cheeks were puckering now by themselves from the force of the shit, and I knew it would be a good one. The skin that met over her ass hole parted company for the wide load coming through, and there it was. It was very light brown, but the perfect semi-soft consistency after you got past the rock hard head of it. Oh, what I would do for a man right now. But hey, all in good time. The problem would be finding one as gross as me and these women were back home.

I munched it very slowly, feeling it accumulate in my mouth, letting my saliva slowly dissolve it and break it down. I was surprised how quickly it did. Then she started a fart that lasted a long time, and I inhaled it as deep as I could as if it were a drug, or like the bong I had in college. Then more shit, this time in little balls, and I managed to keep them all coming in my mouth, and chewed them as best I could. Shit-juice drooled from my mouth and lips, down my neck and breasts. And after I just went to all that trouble getting clean, too! While I did this, another blond girl kissed me on the cheek and smiled, I looked at her while my cheeks bulged, still madly gobbling away at Chelsea, and then I felt her slimy hair between my lips, and she got busy on my clit.

Now, I was swallowing wildly, driving my nose and mouth deeply into Chelsea, and she had to push back at me to keep herself from falling forward. I knew I was going to get off any second now, it was only a matter of allowing it; I would wait until the last piece from Chelsea, and then I would get off while she peed on me. Now, came the last piece, the runny soft part, like diarrhea. That part was a little harder for me to get down, I don't know why, maybe the taste was worse. That part I spit up a little bit, and it squirted up my nose, and burned, even my eyes teared. But I screamed in orgasm as my body jolted, and Chelsea spouted off her bladder, which I anxiously washed down.

I thanked her, and then as if I was a wonderwoman or something, the gorgeous blonde, who had serviced me climbed up my body, sliding her back up the slimy floor, now looking into my eyes. Her baby blues burned through me, and I thought I might have been able to fall in love with another woman just having her eyes stare into my own. Her skin was very pale, which contrasted nicely against the shit smeared all over her like mud. Her accent was a big turn on, she carried herself so elegantly, so royally. She seemed to notice the way I felt, because she hesitated before she spoke, "You're beautiful, Rebecca, you know that? Well, if you're still hungry, you can have mine. But I want you to do it in the pit, under the surface. How does that sound?"

"Like an orgasm ready to fire. I only wish that I could see your poop, I can't under there," I smiled.

"Oh, they'll be plenty of opportunities here, Rebecca, c'mon." she jumped in like a cannonball, and shit jumped up over everyone, nearly in my eyes! I slid in and joined Laura, we kissed very passionately first, then she told me to hurry, because she couldn't hold it much longer.

The poop pit enveloped me, the slime was under my fingernails again, between my toes, and felt incredible between my legs. I took a huge breath. I could still taste smaller chunks caught between my teeth, and a bitter taste in the back of my throat which I was actually starting to like. I felt very envious of Beth suddenly, that she got to work here, spend her life here. That would be a dream. I guided myself down Laura quickly, and got to her spot. There were bubbles climbing up my face. It actually felt like the bubbles were alive, the way they struggled to crawl up through the deep mass of shit that buried me. Her shit came. Only I'm sure it was diarrhea, all of it. It was very broken and wet, and had that terrible taste. It was shooting out of her with quite a speed, and I knew since it was diarrhea, this would go on awhile. But I was so turned on by Laura, that her runs turned me on all the more. The taste was pure poison, and it really burned. I might even puke it up down here. Oh, well, at least she wouldn't notice. I put my fingers up her vagina while I ate (or drank) her shit.

She was so loose, I slipped my whole hand in, then started trying to fill her while I frantically ate what seemed like would last forever. Now I was sucking with all of my might, I was even swallowing some of the older shit that surrounded my mouth, and tasted a helluvalot better. I was sucking farts out of her now, but it kept coming, shit too. I couldn't do this much longer, I was really out of oxygen, and my heart was pounding extremely fast. I found myself unbelievable turned on not being able to breathe, and kept pushing myself to stay down there. I was shaking my ass, and squeezing my legs together hard, so that the shit in the pit massaged my pussy. Finally, I had an orgasm, stronger than ever, and a lot faster than ever, probably because my body was surrendering so I would go up and breathe. Finally i did come up. I gasped and gasped while Laura wiped the shit off of my nose and mouth so I could breathe better, it was more than an inch thick! I closed my mouth, and blew my nose as two shit bullets shot out of my nose. "Not bad, one minute, twenty seconds said Beth looking at a clock on the wall.

"Oh, Rebecca," Laura said, "Thank you, that was delightful."

"Are you ready to get stuffed. I've never been really stuffed full before, can we try?" I asked, begging like a little girl.

"I was just thinking of that, my girl." Laura replied enthusiastically.

And we laid 69 style, but on our sides by the pit, grabbing heaping hand-fulls giggling and moaning at the incredible feeling of having pound after pound of shit dunked inside of our hot holes. Then Beth came over with a long flexible, bendable dildo in her hand and offered to help us use it. We gladly accepted, and when the shit was packed so densely inside our pussies that it was pumping itself out, Beth slid me and Laura's pussies bulls eye against each other, and put the dildo up Laura's ass hole. She moaned loudly and shook for a moment, then Beth put the other end inside of my own ass hole, which was quite a tight fit, but felt so good it was almost painful. It felt like I had to take a huge crap but had major constipation, because when my shit hole rejected it, it went deeper into Laura's, and she's rejected it back more into mine, like a reverse tug-of-war, so it actually felt as though we were fucking each other up the ass. Our pussies matched up nicely, and her shit was pumping against my own, in a sexual overload. We each came several times, screaming the loudest in the room, and got a lot of cheers. Some of the girls came over after picking up a couple of handfuls and painted our faces. I can't tell you how excited I was, I don't think I'll ever recover. Nearly everyone puked a lot that night!

We worked out hard that night running a few miles along the beach, stretching, sit-ups, push- ups, then crashed in the ocean, then had another huge dinner that night. Laura and Chelsea joined me for bed, and we slept very soundly, pissing and farting totally all over each other as we slept under a heavy blanket. We were all sweating profusely, and unbearably hot since we were in a tropical climate, but that was somehow very nice. We had a busy day the next day, Beth had warned, so we would need every minute of beauty sleep.

We slept well going to bed rather early, then had a personal wake-up call at our door by Beth. "Well, I hope the three of you slept soundly! I want all of you to join me by the gate in twenty minutes for a sunrise workout if you want breakfast, breakfasts are our specialty, and the kitchen closes early so get a move on!" And then Laura and Chelsea sprinted for their rooms to shower and get ready, twenty minutes would go fast. We worked out for an hour, and crashed in the ocean again which was surprisingly warm, I guess 'cause we were so hot! Everyone let loose enough gas to ignite with a spark. One girl, Susan, ripped one on every jumping jack! We were plenty hungry when we went to the restaurant, and everyone chowed down plenty. I especially, I wanted to shit a brick today. We went hiking after breakfast, which was a good disguise for another workout, but the scenery was magnificent. No one was surprised when Susan started whining, "Oh no, I think I'm going to poop myself." And everyone giggled and eyed her ass as we climbed higher and higher and she was taking baby steps to keep her legs together. Kami, Beth's co-worker lead the group and warned her, "You know, taking wider strides will actually hold it in longer. The more you exert yourself, the better." I didn't believe that myself, however. I was starting to fart now, as were a couple of others.

"Fuck, man. I wanted to hold it for a while, for later. I had plans for this poopy. Fuck, I think it's coming, I gotta stop. Eeewwe. It is coming. I gotta take a dump, NOW! Damn it, I didn't want it so soon." She was pretty cute, whining and fussing in her squeaky young voice. Now everyone stopped to watch, except for Kami that is. She looked like a body builder. Mmmnh, I would love to have her. She would probably wrestle me and pin me under her ass while she had a gas attack, and then poop of three foot log over my face. I wouldn't be able to breath unless I devoured all of her mess.

"No one stops, even you, Susan. You go right in those silk panties, and tighten the string if you have to. Shit a big turd while you work..." she sang to the Snow White "Whistle while you work," and then whistled it, and gave a pitiless laugh. Everyone else laughed hysterically, and joined in with the song and whistle. Kami added, "Just push it out and mush it up and squeeze it all around." I was in tears laughing, and very, very turned on. I was close behind Susan, and got to see the show from first row seats. The smell was hideous, like Mexican food shit, and was making all kinds of phhsshht pppllliiikkk ppppllllaaaaaccckkk noises as it ran out of places to swish and slid back up between her strutting buns where it came from. It was so inflated it looked like she was wearing a diaper. It hobbled and shook from side to side like it wanted to swing right out of the white panties. This was a dark, fairly solid load, but she was doing a great job tenderizing it. She kept on though, and seemed to really be getting into it. I was taking big whiffs of her mess behind her, and was about ready to eat her, but I restrained myself. Her panties were transparent now, with all of that moisture, and the poop was well defined.

I walked up behind her my front contoured her backside and whispered in her ear, "You know Susan, if you tighten the drawstring on those panties, you'll be a whole lot more comfortable. Here, let me get that for you, honey." And I slowly traced my hands along her sides, sliding them along her belly, and down into her panties accidentally (NOT) rubbing her pubic hairs and clit, then brought them up, and yanked the drawstring really tight, (yelp), and kissed her on her bare shoulders. All the while the front part of my pussy is slamming into her stuffed, packed ass, her sweaty shit staining the front of my own panties. I heard her really moan and groan now. The shit couldn't just stay in a big pile against her ass with it so tight. It had to squeeze down her legs, and the best part, squeeze against her pussy. It was really squishing now, and everyone could hear it. Most of us were fingering ourselves off as we hiked along. Susan sneaked her fingers down there, I doubt anyone else noticed until later. She would bring a finger full of dung up to her nose, and then sneak it into her mouth. When the hike would be over, her face was a muddy brown combined with all of that sweat. We finally reached the pinnacle of the trek, the highest point on the island, and had spectacular view of the other islands and the yachts on the horizon. It was a long hike to come. . .

At the end of the hike, Kami asked who she wanted to share it with. By this point Susan was delirious, she was so turned on and hadn't been able to satiate herself. Susan picked Kami herself. Reluctantly, Kami indulged and obviously enjoyed herself. Susan slithered and climbed all over her like a monkey. She was very small compared to Kami, and Kami had her meticulously clean within a couple of minutes. While they went at it, we all circled around touching ourselves until Sara motioned we follow her lead. She loosed her panties, pulled them down a little, and sprayed a nice blazing yellow arch on the happy couple on the sand. I went next, and everyone joined in like a huge fountain, they were drenched in everyone's urine, that really excited Kami, and she went at Susan like an animal.

Then we all played in the ocean, then showered and it was already lunch time. We had a hearty lunch, more than I was used to eating in two days--and just for one meal! Lots of meat and potatoes Cajun-style, with red beans and rice, and cocktail shrimp, and lemon meringue pie. It was all very gourmet. Then we rested a bit, lying in the sun. After a while, Beth joined us, announcing it was her turn to baby-sit us.

"We'll be playing a little game, actually a friendly contest. So everyone up and at 'em; follow me!" We came to a clearing in the woods. Covered by a thick, dark plastic lid was a big heated pickle barrel looking thing. I followed over, enjoying the feeling of walking with the panties I had just soaked from the four Ice Teas I had with lunch. It still ran down my legs. Then I realized that this wasn't a pickle barrel at all, although it looked full of pickle juice.

"Sixty gallons of hot piss from more than fifty women, perfectly sterilized." Beth announced as the spectators ooowwed and aaahhed with exaggerated delight. "The rules of the game: two women will play against each other each match. I will drop a log of poop into the heated piss and say ready, set, go! It sinks fast you have to be faster. Don't bang heads, now. Each log is at least a foot-long and over two inches thick, hand selected. All poop has been generously donated by the native men of this island. It, too, has been well sterilized. Nobody has to play, of course. Lesbians can choose a woman's log if she so chooses. But I assure you, if you haven't had a man's shit before, you haven't lived. Much more flavor, and, of course, triple the size, because we all know men are big assholes. This is valuable shit ladies, don't lose it to the bottom of the barrel, by that time it's saturated and almost impossible to bring back up. This is like bobbing for apples, only with an opponent that is bobbing for the same one, and there's only one apple, so-to- speak. You must swallow as much as you can so you have more of it than your adversary. All of us are judges, and you must eat it outside the barrel so that we can all see you do it. Don't get stuck in the barrel, I don't want you drowning in this, and don't hurt your opponent."

"What does the winner get?" I asked jumping up and down, I was ready to go.

"Thank you, Becky, I was just getting there. Winner of the tournament receives a free two week pass for two, back to the island anytime at her leisure, first class accommodations, with a friend-- or lover, whatever. We play this tournament style, in a way. The two fastest, and most fun winners of all of the matches today, will play the championship tonight under the moon at the campfire. Any questions? Good. Becky, you can go first since you seem so anxious. And your opponent is. . . how about. . . Theresa."

I couldn't have been happier. I knew already that I would win against poor little damsel Theresa, and I could give her my own consolation prize later. Theresa was fine, perhaps one of the hottest girls among us, she was a bit shy to talk, but not when it came to other things. Beth walked over to a thermal plastic case and returned with a whistle around her neck, and a gigantic brown snake. My clitoris erupted at the sight and smell of it. It had a pungent, sickeningly sweet smell to it. It was smooth and shiny deep brown, and quite curvy. It was the biggest, thickest, longest, fattest load I had ever seen in all my life. It stretched from Beth's right elbow across her forearms, her bridged hands, and up to her left elbow. She had trouble keeping it straight. It must've been two feet long, and I'm not exaggerating. What did these islanders eat, anyway? It could've been 10 oversized mouthfuls and a couple of stomach fulls. I thought there was no chance in hell.

"As long as you get more than your opponent." Beth informed, reading the expression on our faces pretty well. We were all smaller framed than Beth, some considerably, like me. She held it like a treasure, very steady so that it didn't roll off onto the grass or break into pieces. Then she stood between us giving me a wink, and set it on the surface of the piss delicately. She nodded for us to approach, and Theresa and I stood opposite the huge barrel, the aroma of the urine stifling. Nevertheless, I was eager to taste this mother load, and was Theresa drooling!

"Stand side by side, I don't want you two banging your heads together. Remove your panties. Every girl for herself, and wait until I blow the whistle. Theresa, can you put this thing in my mouth for me." And she nodded thanks to Theresa, and she took her position. Beth brought her hands out quickly underneath it, paused a moment, and blew the whistle.

I closed my eyes and dove slightly first, but I could feel Theresa's back against mine, squeaking against my pissy skin. The warm pee tingled against my skin. I was so turned-on, my vagina was spasming open, letting air bubbles shooting up, and that hot piss filling inside me. It burned a little, but in a very good way. I opened my mouth to taste the piss, and swallowed a lot by accident. What a taste. Very sour, very bitter. But it gave me a quick orgasm. Now I was in over my knees standing on my hands upside down in the piss, and I tasted something funky with my tongue. I drank and sucked it in, trying to filter the water out, knowing I was upon the shit. Suddenly, I felt Theresa's cheek on mine, and I plunged myself in deeper. I drank and sucked it in and felt the hot humongous mass stretch my mouth wide and absorb my teeth. My stomach ached with nausea of uric acid, but that would wait. Holding onto the sticky fat salami turd in my mouth, I tried not to bite it off and kicked my legs over the barrel to pull myself out. But I couldn't. I was losing my breath fast and panicking, and my feet were losing their grip on the edge. As I kicked my legs every which way, I farted a long jet stream of bubbles. Theresa was crushing me against the side. She must have realized I had it already, at least half of it was smushed inside my mouth, the other half, my free hand held to my face. I was really needing oxygen now, and was turned-on really bad. Bad? Then my bladder broke from my panic, and I pissed up toward the surface, later Chelsea told me everyone saw it shooting up over the barrel between my legs. I was upside down still and had no leverage to get back out as I had practically made myself fall in.

The excitement and terror made me open my eyes, which was a big mistake, but just in time to see Theresa's face coming at mine. I had another orgasm as her mouth covered mine. She was trying to steal my treasure out of my mouth. Of course, I still had half of it in my hand. Fuck! Theresa was a fighter, all right. My clitoris burned and swelled and now I thought I was going to poop just as I felt someone pull on my leg, then another on my other leg. As I tried not to gasp for air underwater, or underurine, I chewed the shit in my mouth, still refusing to release it. Now I was up and over the side, Beth had pulled us both up. I swallowed half of the load in my mouth, and breathed through my nose a long, long inhale and blinked my eyes back open.

Surprised and shocked, I saw Theresa a foot from my face opening her eyes at me on the other end of the huge poop that hung between us. Theresa tried to give me a wide-eyed smile. She was closing on me, getting closer to my face, eating an inch with each munch. I sucked the shit down my throat but it was too heavy and too thick, and I chewed and chewed as fast as I could. It was very moist now, and tasted like a million flavors just like Beth had said. A man's shit was pretty damn good, better than most women's. Well, this man's load, anyway. We were gulping for all we were worth. We both were made loud gagging and gurgling sounds that anyone in a mile could've heard. Finally, Theresa smashed the remaining four inches or so between our faces, when I brought my hand up to clear my nose, because it was hard to breathe and I was still out of breath. She looked at my hand and saw before I realized what I had. . . the other half of the log! This would never end. The shit in our mouths were plopping all over each other's breasts, which mashed up against one another's. She grabbed my hand and smashed it into my face, and pushed me over into the dirt. Everyone was cheering wildly. Theresa landed on top of me, and lapped the shit off of my face, swallowing more than could seem possible. Then at once, in a moment everyone would talk about for the rest of the sojourn, Theresa stopped and released a stentorian belch that hurt my own ears, and smelled of rotten eggs. Everyone, including Beth, fell over in hysterics. I seized the opportunity and toppled her over so that I was on top, devouring her face.

Some of her mouthful spilled from her belch, and my mouth was already there to steal it. Our cheeks were both bulging out to our ears, and I spread my legs a little so our pussies would meet. Now she rolled me over. Then I her. And we continued rolling over each other, eating from each other like wild, rabbid animals, until the very last ounce of poop was swallowed. At that point, we collapsed on each other. And I deep kissed her for a very long time. I tasted everything in that mouth of hers, and then hawked a big throaty one into her throat. She choked a little, and I apologized while she coughed, very sincerely, when all at once, she started to ralph. I froze. She came right for me, and puked all over my breasts. On purpose, of course. Then I puked all over her pussy. The crowd was going mad. Beth blew the whistle after she finally had seen enough, and was clearly quite breathtaken. "That was quite possibly the best the island has ever seen. And I must declare you both a tie." Everyone cheered, and applauded.

"I think we'll postpone the contest until tomorrow, if nobody else minds. I'm exhausted from just watching them. Any one want to go to the pit, I need to relieve some tension. Theresa, and Rebecca, you two can be excused to rest or whatever you want. Okay, everyone, let's go!" Beth cried. Theresa and I did just that, we rested in each other's arms. And then she awoke me, and we got under the covers where it was way too hot, pooped our own motherload right onto each other's pussies, and then straddled each other until dinner. I can't count the number of times I came, or tell you how sore my pussy was. It was phenomenal. This was the highlight of the trip, I wished camera's were allowed on the island, but my memories, experiences, and learning has lead me on since great adventures. Maybe I'll make a movie. Would anyone else buy it, though?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2005, 06:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default A dream came true

I used to sleep naked and with no covers on. I was in a deep sleep when I was awakened by the sensation of a warm hand rubbing my cock. I opened my eyes and I was seized with surprise to find my mother-in- law knelt down between my legs moving her hand up and down on my erect cock. " forgive me, but I got to suck your cock" she said, and before I could say anything she bent her head and started to kiss and lick the head of my cock. Then she took all of my cock into her hot, wet mouth. She started to take long strokes on my shaft, sucking hard. I couldn’t resist long time and my sperm filled her hungry mouth. My mother-in-law was 62 and she didn’t look bad at all for her age. She had a petite, yet very well proportioned body. Her ass was not fat but full and womanly, her hips lovely rounded, her thighs full and her legs nice and shapely. I have always found her to be very attractive. Since I was dating with my wife, I’ve sometimes fantasized about fucking her. My wife being out of the country, my mother-in-law came for helping me with the children. She swallowed each drop of my sperm and didn’t let my cock out of her mouth. Holding me around the base she continually stroked lightly my cock with her hand, while she ran her lips and tongue over my limp shaft again and again. She began to suck gently, then vigorously she sucked deeper and deeper, tugging and pulling. Before long my cock started to respond, starting to grow in her mouth and I was hard and ready again. She released her oral held on my cock and told me she want m y cock so much that she must have it now." Please fuck me! It’s been so very long since I’ve been with a man". I told her to get on the bed doggy style because I want to take her from behind. She was on her knees, dropped her shoulders to the bed and spread her legs wide apart. She arched her back to make her full buttocks point upward." Oh sugar I have wanted you for so long, come and fuck me!". I moved up behind her and lifted her silk night gown up to her waist. She was panty less and the creamy skin of her butt had a nice brightness in the dark of the room. I slowly glided my hands over the warm curves of her ass, then spread her asscheeks and started to kiss and lick her hole. She started to moan, telling me that she liked my work. I clasped her around the waist, rubbed her ass with my cock then I pushed my cock between her ass mounds. I wanted so much planting my cock into her great-looking, virgin ass." Love. I need your ass so badly, I’ll fuck your ass now!". " No, baby! Please no, it hurts". I held her down with one hand on her back. I placed the tip of my cock at the entrance of her tunnel and slowly pressed forward and my cock forced its way, stretching her tight anal ring. She jumped forward and cried " Ouch! Damn, that hurts. Stop! Don’t move!"." Just relax and you’ll be OK "The tip of the head breached her anal ring slowly and ever so slowly I pushed the entire head in. I paused for a moment and then began to force. I really took my time inserting my cock an inch or so at a time, letting her get used to it. Low guttural growls that turned into screams escaped her lips as each inch of my cock disappeared into her dark hole. She was so tight and hot. When I was balls deep I remained motionless for a couple of minutes enjoying the sensation of her anal muscles contracting upon my cock." God you are so big! You are stretching my ass so much. Please fuck me!" Not wanting to hurt her slowly and gently I moved my cock in and out of her butt. She shivered and began to buck yelling, humping back and screwing her ass in the opposite direction of my cock. I pumped faster and harder and her breathing got harder, her moaning louder. She climaxed and her ass gripped my cock with its hot walls. My thrusts became longer and harder. I could not hold back anymore and my cum shot wildly out .We both collapsed on the bed, breathless, exhausted and satisfied. " I never did that before, but it’s not for the last time" she said before going to the bathroom.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2005, 06:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default My Coach's Wife

I walked in a daze as Amy led me to her bedroom. As we walked, her bare breasts shook, inviting further attention. The whole situation seemed very strange to me. I mean, let's face it, it isn't every day that a woman 13 years your senior whom you have admired and fantasized about since childhood, who is also your next door neighbor, a former high school teacher, and a close personal friend of the family for all intents and purposes openly seduces you. Add to that the fact that she was the widow of a man who had a huge impact on my life. Wasn't what was about to happen almost like I was betraying him? Part of me felt an enormous amount of guilt. I looked at Amy as we walked, and the smile she gave me helped ease my feelings of guilt. As our fingers intertwined, my mind reasoned out my reservations. If Coach Ted were still alive, what we were about to do would have never happened. However, he had been dead for 2 years. I was one of his pallbearers. His first wife had died, and he moved on, so why shouldn't the wife he left behind be allowed to do the same? At 36, Amy was alone and the needs a woman of her age has had been long denied. She was no longer my teacher, she was a colleague. She was no longer a mentor's wife, she was a widow. Perhaps what freaked me out the most was what my parents would think of us. Then again, had not the numerous evenings Amy & I had spent with them since I came home from college been almost double dates? As we approached the bedroom door, these thoughts, along with a straining erection, caused me to quell any thoughts of expressing doubts. One thing that did ease any reservations was the fact that in the 2 years since Ted Landers passing, Amy had completely redecorated the home. My Mom and sister had spent hours helping her choose the paint and wallpaper, and Dad and I had pitched in to help on weekends. Only the home office in which Coach mapped out his game strategies remained unchanged. Having visited here in earlier years many times, the change in the look of the home made it seem almost like a different place. As we entered the bedroom, Amy looked up at me, smiling sweetly. I was transfixed by her sparkling green eyes, as she unbuttoned my shirt. As she slid my shirt over my shoulders, I in turn finished removing her blouse. That is when I noticed her perfume. A sweet but not overpowering fragrance that added to her sensual nature. We embraced, feeling the contact between our bare chests as our lips met and our tongues dueled and danced with each other. I reached to close the door as we kissed. Amy & I stood kissing each other over and over as our hands explored each others flesh and fumbled to remove the rest of our clothing. It was a bit awkward to remove each others clothing, but we could not bring ourselves to allow our lips to separate. Once I finally managed to unsnap Amy's jeans, I slid them to her feet, and she tried to step out of them. However, as anyone who has tried it can attest, stepping out of straight legged jeans by simply shaking each foot is almost impossible. Amy gave it a gallant try, but would have fallen to the floor had I not been holding her. We both laughed at the predicament, and I lifted Amy into my arms, carrying her to the bed, the tangled jeans hanging from her feet, causing further laughter. I sat Amy on the bed, and knelt to free her feet of the uncooperative jeans. As I shifted them to work the cuffs over her heels, I looked into those eyes of green. Amy was now wearing only black thong panties, and her breasts quivered with her breathing. As I looked up, Amy smiled and ran her hands over her breasts. She began twisting and tweaking her nipples as her breathing became deeper and faster. Finally, her feet were freed, and as the jeans were in a heap at the bedside, I laid beside her, sucking her nipples, and sliding my hand up and down her lower body. As I nibbled on her nipples, my hand found her thigh. As my hand found its way to the inner side, Amy spread her legs further. I could feel the warmth of her pussy as my hand grew nearer to the prize. I leaned over Amy to pleasure the breast furthest from me, and as I suckled it, my fingers found her slit over her panties. Finding her clitoris, I stroked it in a circular motion. Her thighs squeezed my hand to keep it where it was, and her hands cradled my head. I sucked harder, flicking her nipple with the tip of my tongue. Amy moaned softly, and I increased the speed of my fingers working her clit. "Oh Joe, Don't stop baby," she moaned. Suddenly, her first orgasm shook her entire body. When her thighs released their pressure on my hand, she pulled my face to hers, and we embraced and shared the warmest and most fulfilling kiss I had ever known. As her orgasm subsided, Amy had me stand, since I was yet to finish undressing. Amy leaned up on her elbows to watch me. Trying my best to look at least a little sophisticated while removing my shoes and socks, ( is that possible? ) I then unbuckled my pants and slowly slid them down. It was then that I realized something. Many times when I was around Amy over the years, I could not help getting an erection around her, and I had always wondered if she had actually noticed. The look on her face at that moment was the same as when I had those earlier embarrassing moments, and I knew from her smile that she had noticed. Damn! I thought. She has been wondering what I look like for a long time, just as I have been wanting her. I watched Amy's eyes grow wider as my pubic hair became visible. Pausing again, I watched the anticipation on Amy's face. She looked up at me with a look that said, without words, "Don't tease me, get on with it." I smiled, winked, and as I looked down, her eyes followed mine. I pulled downward, my nine inches springing forth from their confines. Amy gasped, and her fingers came up to grip my cock gently. Staring at it, she gently stroked it, examining and learning every contour. Her other hand gently cupped my balls, causing me to groan as she stimulated the nerve endings by gently massaging them. Amy dropped to her knees, and kissed the length of my hard shaft. For a moment, I thought she was going to take it into her mouth, but she didn't. Instead, she knelt down to the floor, and began freeing my feet from my pants and underwear. Softly, Amy said, " I don't think I am going to be able to catch you, so don't fall, OK? " I stood carefully on my right foot, then my left as each one was carefully released. As she stood, Amy started to remove her thong, but I brought my hands down to stop her. "Not yet, Amy. I want to do it, " I said. Smiling, she said, "OK!" and kissed me once more. Turning her to the bed, I leaned forward and turned down the comforter and sheets. Then, I turned and lifted her into my arms, kissing her, and gently laying her on the bed. I crawled into the bed beside Amy. For what seemed like several minutes, but actually was only a few seconds, I looked at her. In those seconds, memories of her flooded my mind. The day I first met her when we arrived in Houston. Being her student. Her cheering at my football games, both at the high school, and at A&M, and days after games when she eased my aching muscles. Evenings both before and after her husbands death when she visited our home. That day in the hospital when she drew strength from me being there. Evenings when we went out with my parents and seeing her to the door afterwards. On many of those occasions, I had told her "I love you " and she had responded, "I love you too, Joe." However, it had never been romantic, it had been stated out of friendship. Almost the same words had been stated between myself and Coach, but it was in the vein of Gene Hackman in "Hoosiers" as Coach Norman Dale. As I looked at Amy, it was almost as if she was reading my thoughts, or reliving memories she had of me. Her hand came to my face, stroked it and she said, " I love you, Joe." A feeling of warmth spread through me, and I said, "I love you too, Amy. I always have." Tears filled her eyes, and she kissed me sweetly. My tongue entered her mouth, and Amy sucked it in. The sensations she gave me held the promise of terrific oral sex. I knelt over her, and began kissing her neck. Again, her perfume filled my senses, and enticed me with it's sweet odor. Her body trembled with each kiss, and my mouth traveled to her earlobe, sucking and nibbling. I then kissed across Amy's face, kissing each eyelid and traveling on to the opposite ear. Amy took my head in her hands once again, as if to guide me to the next point of my journey. I moved downward as she guided me down the center of her chest. Kissing her sternum, I traveled backed to her firm breasts. I kissed around them, and paid special attention to the sensitive undersides. As I came up to her right nipple. I traced my tongue around the aureoles until the tip of my tongue was flicking the taunt nipple. I raked my teeth over them and gently bit down, pulling the nipple upward, until the resistance caused it to spring free. Amy gasped in a jolt of pleasure, so I repeated it. Then I traveled to the left nipple and repeated the same actions for it. Leaving her full breasts, I continued downward kissing her tight abdomen. Most women Amy's age don't have such a firm tummy area, but then again, most women her age have given birth once or twice. However, Amy had taken care not to allow herself to lose her figure. Many of the more attractive ladies I went to college with would be envious of her. As I kissed down her abdomen, I paused to tongue her navel. Kissing all around the area that provided her substance while in her Mother's womb, Amy moaned with pleasure. In all of my fantasies over the years, I had dreamed of enjoying every last inch of her, and what her reaction might be. In my private thoughts, I would have never dreamed that Amy would react so sensually to my attentions. As I continued, I anticipated what would be her reaction when I ate her sweet pussy. Finally I was to her thong. I kissed over it, and over the crotch. From where I had earlier brought her to orgasm, the heady aroma of her cunt smelled sweet. Licking up and down over her slit I moved upward and grabbed the upper edge of her thong in my teeth. When I brought my hands under her to grip her buttocks, Amy raised herself. I glanced upward, and saw her watching me, now knowing why I had insisted she not remove the thong earlier. With my fingers giving the slightest help on the back hem, I slowly pulled her thong downward. It resisted for a few moments, but finally it pulled free, and I had my first look at paradise. Amy's pussy formed a tight line, but her labia were swollen with desire. A trace of her moisture lingered on them, glistening in the sunlight from the window. What suprised me was that the pubic hair was shaved away, save just above her clitoris in the shape of a small heart. I had seen my share of pussy before, some shaved, some bushy, and some trimmed, but this was a first. I looked into Amy's eyes, and she could see that her "special grooming" turned me on. Dropping her thong from my teeth, I knelt between her legs. I kissed the heart, and traveled down between her legs. Looking Amy in the eyes, I kissed up and down her thighs. I started toward her sweet cunt, but she stopped me. "Joe?" she said. I responded, "Yes?" Her finger motioned me to the head of the bed, and I crawled upward. Guiding me to lay flat on my back, Amy rose to her knees, and straddled my head. Leaning over to take my cock in hand, she eased her slit to my mouth, I tasted her for the first time. Her pussy was fresh and clean, and the tang of her was heady and sweet. I sucked each lip, and thrust my tongue into her deeply. As I did that, I felt her lips kissing up and down my shaft. I felt her fingers lift my balls, and she gently sucked each one. I swirled my tongue inside her, drawing her moisture to my mouth, and swallowing it. As I continued licking out Amy's warm pussy, I felt her tongue coating my entire cock with saliva. Then, as she reached the head, she wrapped her lips around it and tongued it like a kid licking an ice cream cone. Suddenly I felt her suck downward, taking half of my cock into her mouth. As I continued eating her, I felt her trying to take more and more of my cock into her mouth with each downward movement of her head. I could sense my cock head grazing the back of her throat slightly, but Amy didn't gag on it. Finding Amy's clit, I began sucking on it. I felt her shiver, and she increased her assault on my cock. Her head was twisting back and forth as she suck harder up and down. All of a sudden, I felt her mouth moving farther down my 9 inches than I thought possible. I stopped eating her for a moment to watch, but keeping a finger busy working her clit. Suddenly, I felt Amy's throat open and the head of my cock pass between her tonsils. Her lips covered the entire length of my shaft, her upper lip touching my scrotum. I assume she had decided I had seen enough for the moment and lowered her crotch back to my mouth. Bringing my hands to the cheeks of her ass, I began eating her again, sucking her clit in, flicking it with the tip of my tongue, and nibbling it between my teeth. It seemed to swell and grow in my mouth. As I ate her faster and faster, my finger grazed her anus. Amy shivered at the contact, and I felt her push her ass toward my finger. Grazing my finger over her rosebud again, I said, "You like that?" Amy responded by moaning, her tonsils vibrating against my cock. Since my finger was slick with the emanations of her pussy, I slowly eased the tip in, and Amy started humming around my cock, causing vibrations to run up my spine. Her head moving rapidly, I pushed the finger farther up her ass, and continued eating her clit as before. Within a minute, I felt my balls tightening. "Amy, I'm gonna cum!", I said, and that seemed to spur her on. She sucked harder, wanting to taste my load. Seconds later, I felt my balls tighten, then seize as my load burst into her mouth like an erupting volcano. Sucking hard on Amy's clit, I felt her shiver and grind hard against my face, flooding my face with her cum, and reaching orgasm several times in a row. I felt Amy trying to swallow my load, but I was cumming heavier than I ever thought I could. As I stopped cumming, spasm wracked my body like aftershocks from an earthquake. Amy's head moved up my cock, gently sucking the head as I jerked several times in my own multiple orgasm. Finally exhausted, Amy collapsed, freeing my cock from her mouth and resting beside me. Looking down at Amy, I saw that she was spent, and trying to catch her breath. I sat up slowly to make sure she was all right. Amy crawled into my arms, part of my load still on her lips. Smiling up at me, she gathered up the last of it with her finger, sucked it into her mouth, and swallowed while looking me in the eyes. We were both covered in sweat and exhausted, but extremely happy. Amy suggested we take a shower to cool off. She led me to the master bath as soon as we had recovered. Many of my fantasies of Amy had included bathing with her, so another dream of her was coming true. We stood under the warm flow of water from the shower, and washed the sweat from each others bodies. As Amy washed my cock, it began to regain it's erect form. Amy stroked it until it was fully hard, and using the hand held shower head, I rinsed the suds from our bodies. Grabbing towels, Amy said, "Hurry!" and we dried each other as quickly as possible. When I dried her pussy, I felt her shiver, and her moisture covered my finger as her vagina flowed. Throwing the towels in the hamper, Amy led me back to her bed. Laying her flat, I first crawled between her legs and tasted her once again. Flicking my tongue over her clit lightly, I sensed her juices flowing as Amy's labia became wet from her secretions. I dove right in, and thrust my tongue as deeply into her sweet pussy as I could. As her nectar filled my mouth, Amy was grinding against my face, and moaning loudly. Remembering how sensitive her anus was, I lifted her legs high and started rimming it. I licked up and down from her cunt to her ass, driving Amy mad with desire. Finally, she gripped my head, pulling me up to face her. My cock was throbbing for her to the point of being almost painful. We gazed into each others eyes as Amy spread herself open with her left hand, and took hold of my cock with her right, guiding me into her warm pussy. As I felt the head make contact with her moist cunt lips, we maintained eye contact. Words were not necessary for both of us to know that we wanted to freeze this moment in time. It was the instant magical moment when we joined ourselves together that we would remember for the rest of our mortal lives. Our breathing quickened and deepened as Amy guided the head up and down making it moist for smooth entry. I remained still as I felt the head slip into her, and Amy turned her hips slightly upward as the first inch was welcomed into her. Her juices were churning abundantly, and as Amy's flow moistened my shaft, I allowed more to enter slowly. Amy's mouth formed an oval shape as my prick stretched her. What was suprising to me was the tightness of her sex. In college, 2 of the girls who had been my lovers were THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK, and neither of them came close to being as tight as the woman under me now. Neither had any of my past lovers been gifted with a vaginal area as warm or as wet. I feared I was hurting her, but Amy's gaze never faltered. I felt her vaginal walls dilate to accept my girth, and it seemed as though every inch of her anatomy was pulling me deeper. I seemed the whole world was standing still as I left my balls rest against Amy, and the last few centimeters of my cock were encased inside her. As we realized that we were joined, Amy's face radiated, and her eyes filled with happy tears. "Oh God, Joe! You feel so wonderful, " Amy said. As we kissed, Amy trembled all over. As her body shook, her vaginal muscles seemed to contract over and over around my cock. The action reminded me of a day when I visited a dairy farm, and how the machines used to draw milk from the udders of a cow. Of course, I did not share that analogy with Amy. I simply held myself inside her, enjoying the sensation. Holding still for long was just not possible. Reflexes took over, and I began slowly pulling back and pushing in. For several minutes, we shared a slow romantic joining, as our hands stroked each others torsos, arms, faces, & anything else within reach at the moment. Both of us sighed and moaned as our copulation brought us closer, a joining on an emotional as well as a physical level. Soon, our lovemaking became more robust, my thrusts gaining in intensity. Amy began moving her hips to meet my thrusts as our desire would rise higher and higher. She lifted her legs to give me better access to push into her. Her feet dropped to the bed several times as she tired from trying to keep them in the air. I leaned up and brought her ankles to my shoulders. When I did that, Amy went wild. "Oh yes, Fuck me Joe! Fuck me harder!" I leaned over her, nearly folding her in two as I turned Amy's ass upward to receive the full weight of my thrusts. I pulled back, and used my body weight to plunge my hard prick deep inside her. As I thrust hard, Amy suprised me with her language. In all the years I had known her, I had neither heard nor heard of her uttering the slightest profanity. I learned that she was what many of my college pals referred to as the perfect woman; a lady outside and a complete slut inside the bedroom. As I slammed into her, I felt my prick banging against her cervix, and it just fueled her on. "That's it, Baby, fuck me with that big dick!" she screamed. My balls slapped against her ass, and the bed creaked it's protest to the strain we put upon it. Looking downward, I could see my cock pistoning in and out of Amy's tight pussy. I could see the heart shape in her pubic hair shaking and seeming to beat with the rhythm of our fucking. Amy looked down, and watched as half to three quarters of my shaft emerged from her and returned to ravage her. Her cunt juices were soaking both of us as the abundance of her overflowed. "Oh Yeah Baby, Watch that huge cock tear into my cunt. Make that big thing spurt cum in my pussy! Fuck my pussy Joe, fuck me!" Suddenly, I felt her vagina grip my cock like a vice. I looked down at Amy, and could tell from her intent stare that she was flexing her pussy, trying to drain every drop of cum from me that my body could produce. Rising to my knees and holding Amy's legs up to my chest, I thrust her hard and fast. She continued milking my cock with her pussy, and I felt my release building. Suddenly, I groaned, and my climax shot hard in Amy. As each spurt flew into her, it seemed like I was throwing a gallon of me into her with each spurt. When my seed splashed against Amy's cervix, her own orgasm exploded within her, and both of our bodies spasmed in orgasmic release. We collapsed, me on top of her, drenched in our sweat and our cum. For several minutes, we were unable to move or speak. Amy moaned incoherently as though she were speaking in a long forgotten language. As my cock slipped from her, limp and satisfied, I rolled off and stared at the ceiling trying to recover from the most incredible sex I had never dared imagine. I reached over, and held Amy to me. She curled into me exhausted, still moaning her pleasure. We lay together for what might have been an hour. When we were finally able to move, Amy kissed me and entered the bathroom. I heard water running, and thought I heard her moving things around. Soon, Amy opened the door, and said, "Come in here, Joe, I have a suprise." When I entered the bathroom again, the lights were out and illuminated with candles. An ice bucket with a bottle of Dom Perignon & 2 wine glasses sat beside the large tub filled with bubbles. I held Amy's hand as she stepped into the tub, and I opened the Dom. Filling the glasses, I handed them to Amy as I joined her in the warm bath. We toasted each other, sipped the bubbly, and talked about whatever came to mind. What had always seemed a fantasy had become real, better on every level than dreams could comprehend. As we shared intimacy over the next 2 hours before I had to go home and prepare for my other finals scheduled for the next week, I knew we were beginning something wonderful, exciting, erotic and loving.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2005, 06:31 PM
ohmygawds's Avatar
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Default Afterschool

Aunt NelliAfter School
Tommy stared out the class room window, his mind a thousand miles away from the from "Silas Marner", the seventh hour literature assignment for the day. His reverie was shattered by the sharp crack of Miss Parsons' voice, "Tommy, will you please pay attention, I know this isn't the easiest assignment, but please try to keep your mind on the subject at hand!!!" "Yes ma'am," he mumbled, while again turning his gaze to the blue cloud filled sky. Mercifully the bell ending the period rang, and twenty eight juniors shuffled out the door and off to their next class, all that is except Tommy, who was detained by Miss Parsons before he could make his escape. "Sit down please," she asked, while motioning to the seat in the front row, "now you haven't been yourself for over a week now, and I want to know if there is anything I can do to help you?" Tommy, now feeling more miserable than ever, just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled, "There's nothing anyone can do." "Well," she replied, "I want to see you in here after school and we'll see if we can get to the bottom of this, now off to your last period class!" Hurrying down the hall, Tommy thought, "Christ, that's all I need, meddling by a dumb teacher!" He barely made to his eighth period social studies class and thankfully, for the next fifty three minutes his mind was off his problem.

At exactly 3:45pm Tommy entered Miss Parsons' class room where he found her busily correcting some papers from the day's assignments. She had her head downand didn't realize he was there, so he cleared his throat, startling her a little, but she quickly regained her composure and said, "Good, I'm glad you made it, now maybe we can get to the bottom of this, please sit down," while she went over and closed the door. Returning to her desk, she sat down, leaned forward and asked, "Now, Tommy, tell me exactly what's been bothering you, your grades have slipped, and you're not paying any attention in class!" "Well, Miss Parsons, I uh, well, I don't know exactly where to, I mean......" "Now how am I going to help you if you don't tell me what your problem is," she asked, "so, let's get down to it, what is bothering you!?!" "Well, it's Cheryl, my girl friend, you know her right," he stammered? "Yes, I know her, she's a lovely girl, what does this have to do with her," asked Miss Parsons? "Well, she's afraid to, I mean, she wants to but when she saw it, well........" "Tell me, what is she so afraid of, Tommy," she demanded!?! "Well, we both want to do it, but she's afraid to," replied a red faced Tommy! Miss Parsons was now getting the picture and said, "Oh, I see, Cheryl thinks she's too THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK, and isn't ready for sex, am I right???" "Uh, no, not exactly," Tommy stammered on, "she wants to all right, but well, she thinks I'm too big for her!" Miss Parsons smiled at the embarrassed lad and replied, "That's understandable for a THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK girl Tommy, they're so inexperienced that the first time they're very afraid!" "It isn't that Miss Parsons, she says I'm freak, and no girl will ever let me, you know, do it with them," he almost cried! "Nonsense THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK man, I'm quite sure that you are a normal THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK man who is letting the ravings of an inexperienced THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK girl get the better of him," scolded Miss Parsons!!! He shook his head slowly back and forth, and replied, "I don't think so, she seems pretty sure about it!"

Now an exasperated Miss Parsons stood up and walked around to the front of her desk and stood directly in front of Tommy and said, "All right, Tommy, I'm going to prove to you once and for all that what Cheryl is giving you is nothing but a line of pure bunk, as an older woman I have on occasion had the opportunity to see the penises of many THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK men, and I can say for a fact, that they all looked pretty much the same to me, now to prove this too you, I want you to stand up and show me your penis, and that will be the end of it, I can quickly tell you if there is anything to what Cheryl has been telling you!!!" Tommy turned six shades of red and started to protest, but Miss Parsons quickly cut him off and ordered him to stand up! He stood up with his face looking at the floor, too ashamed to look his teacher in the eye, and began fumbling with his belt buckle. "Come on Tommy," she implored, "let's get this over with so you can go home, and I can go back to correcting my papers!"

Finally his jeans slipped down around his ankles leaving him standing there in his light blue boxer short while Miss Parsons was tapping her foot on the floor, obviously anxious for him to get his shorts down so that she could get back to work. Finally, not able to wait any longer she said, "My goodness, Tommy, let me do it for goodness sakes, we don't have all day here, and with both hands she reached out and with a hard tug jerked his shorts down by the elastic waist band. Even Tommy could tell from the look on her face that Cheryl was right, because her mouth was open and moving but no sound was coming out! The reason for Miss Parsons' muteness hung between the skinny thighs of the eighteen year old junior, a cock the size of which she had never seen, hanging semi hard, with a drop of precum hanging from the tip, she guessed that it was at least eight inches long, and it wasn't even full erect!!! Her vagina immediately began to cream at the sight of the massive maleness, while her mouth went dry, and her nipples grew hard inside of her lacy white bra. "See," he fairly wailed, "I can tell from the look on your face that Cheryl is right, no woman will ever let me touch her!!!" Partially regaining her numbed senses, Miss Parsons pulled her stare from the boy's crotch and looking him in the eye replied, "Oh no, Tommy, you have a beautiful penis, it is rather large, but most women would adore having their vaginas filled with such a huge erection!" "Oh, you're just saying that to make me feel better," he said sadly, "no one wants me, or ever will!!!" "Oh, Tommy, you're so wrong," she implored, "and just to prove it to you, I'll show you my own vagina to let you see how wet you've made it!" Lifting up her skirt, Miss Parsons pulled down her panty hose and panties in one motion, exposing a very hair pussy, its lips covered with cream from her obviously excited cunt. Just seeing the brown furred lips made Tommy's pecker snap to its full length of ten inches, with its circumference as thick as her wrist. Her head was now spinning, and her clit began to take control of her, which by now was throbbing, begging to be taken by the big stud prick! It didn't matter anymore who was the teacher or student, all she knew was that she had to have this thick cudgel in her mouth, and then in her weeping cunt. "May I touch it," she asked, with a hint of desperation in her voice?!? Tommy sensed right away that his big pecker held his teacher in its control, and that she would do almost anything to have it, so boldly he offered, "Touch it with your mouth, bitch, and be quick with it!!!" The rough talk coming from the THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK boy was music to Miss Parsons' ears!!! Down on her knees she went, taking the egg size head into her hungry mouth, letting her tongue roam all over its massive smoothness! In a matter of a few seconds Tommy's pecker lurched and then unloaded into the hot mouth of his bitch teacher, groaning loudly, she accepted his creamy gift with great appreciation!!! Tommy was in absolute heaven, when all at once the corridor door swung open and in strode Miss Williams, the old biddy math teacher from down the hall. She stopped in her tracks, almost as if electrocuted, at the sight of the THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK lit teacher on her knees with a gigantic erection in her mouth! "Uh oh," thought Tommy, "I'm in for it now!!!"

"Miss Parsons, just what do you think you're doing," intoned Miss Williams!?! "I'm sucking Tommy off, ma'am," replied Miss Parsons, pulling her mouth away from Tommy's meat just long enough to answer the old math teacher, while a Tommy couldn't believe it when instead of jumping to her feet, Miss Parsons calmly returned her warm mouth his pecker and resumed sucking it!!! "Well," retorted Miss Williams, "at least you should have the brains to lock the door!" "I know, but once I saw this magnificent erection, I just kinda lost my head and went down on it," replied Miss Parsons, see how beautiful it is, look at the head, smooth and soft, just like velvet!?!" "You're Tommy Parker, aren't you," asked Miss Williams, while staring at his fully erect organ? "Yes'm," he replied, still a little confused with the situation he found himself in. "Well, Tommy," asked Miss Williams, "have you ever stuck your erection into a woman's vagina?" "No ma'am, my girl friend is afraid to," he answered quickly. Miss Williams looked at Miss Parker and said, "Margaret, I want to be his first, is that okay with you?" The way she said it, was obvious that she was the boss, and Miss Parsons would do what ever the old woman wanted her to. "Yes, Melinda," answered Miss Parsons, "he's a very talented THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK man, I'm sure he will satisfy your every need!"

Tommy looked on with utter fascination as the older woman removed all of her clothing, the last thing being her bra, which encased two huge breasts with large rubbery nipples. Her body was out of shape compared to a younger woman, but Tommy had to admit that her full voluptuous curves were very erotic indeed! Miss Parsons cleaned off her desk and Melinda Williams lay down on her back with her legs spread wide apart, exposing a very hairy pussy that was once brunette, but now mostly gray. "Margaret, get me ready please," ordered Miss Williams, and an obedient Miss Parsons didn't say a word, but slid between the full fleshy thighs and began tonguing her colleague in her hairy crack! Tommy was now stroking his meat in time with the slurping sounds emanating from the wet cunt of the math teacher, and after several minutes of sucking, Melinda pushed Miss Parsons away and told Tommy to take her place between her legs. "Okay, Tommy," she said, "show mama what a big strong stud you are, and fuck her pussy hard!!" Miss Williams cunt fur was matted down from all the pussy juice, so her slit was clearly visible to his THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK eyes. He slowly worked the head of his cock into her cunt, adjusting his position so as to get the perfect angle for attack! When the head was just inside of her, she ordered, "Now Tommy, bury it in all the way, and hurt mama's little cunt with your big hard cock!" Tommy didn't need another invitation, and with one mighty thrust rammed his virgin rod deep into the old woman's dripping slit! "Oh my god, Margaret, he's so fucking huge, he's ripping me wide open," she groaned, while cupping and caressing her massive tits!!! Tommy had never felt anything quite so wonderful in his life! The inside of Miss Williams pussy was slick and smooth, and tight too, the combination of which in a matter of strokes caused him to release his load of cum deep into Miss Williams' hot vagina! "Oh, Margaret, you were so right, he is magnificent, long, hard, and very thick, the nicest fuck I've ever had," gushed a very satisfied Miss Williams! Miss Parsons leaned over and gave Miss Williams a deep kiss on the mouth and said, "I hope you enjoyed it, Melinda, I hope we can do it again soon!"

After everyone had dressed, Miss Williams pulled Tommy aside and said, "THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK man, I think that you will need another session tomorrow after school, don't you!?!" "Yes ma'am," a very happy Tommy replied, "tomorrow will be fine!" "And Tommy," Miss Parsons added, "do you think you can pay attention in class tomorrow!?!" "Yes ma'am," he laughed, "I'll definitely pay attention tomorrow!!!"

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2005, 03:21 PM
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Default The Elevator Operator

You have to know that automation has not made us better off in many respects and here is one where I think you will agree. Several years ago, I was employed by an agency of a southern state. The agency was housed in a building that was built around the turn of the last century as the headquarters for and by an old time Life Insurance company. The elevators in this ten (10) story building were of the type that required an operator. You know, a gate behind the doors and all that. One of the operators was a lady by the name of Joan. She was a 5’6" blonde with a very nice figure weighing about 120lbs. Joan and I would joke and flirt as I rode her elevator many time each day. At firstwe thought nothing of the flirting but as time passed we both began to sense the electricity that was between us. Joan wore these wonderfully short mini skirts displaying her well-formed legs. Then one day I got on her elevator at quitting time and stood behind her as we stopped at each floor more people got on. By the time we got down to the 6th floor the elevator was loaded making me press against Joan’s firm ass. As the slow unit descended, I could feel my erection pressing against her and she was reaching back to touch me through my pants. She squeezed my cock as we reached the bottom floor and let every one depart. We talked as they left so that no one was wise to us. As this was her last run, she shut the elevator door and turned off the switch making us alone in the elevator. We embraced and began to kiss wildly. My hands roamed all over her back and bottom. Her hands eagerly pulled my ass close pressing us together. Her short skirt allowed me to lift it feeling that she was wearing no panties and she grinningly told me she was hoping things would happen this way that very day. She loosened my belt sliding my pants and BVDs to the floor. I sat on her operators stool and she straddled me. I dragged my finger from her navel to her pussy and sliding it in the folds I quickly found her clit. As I did she moaned and kissed me harder driving her tongue deep into my mouth and wrapping our tongues together. She quickly slid off me and knelt before me taking my hard cock in her warm mouth. She licked the head and dialed my number. She licked up and down the back of my cock from the tip to my balls. Then she took my balls into her mouth making me want to cum but I held it back. She then rose and turned around with her back to me as she lowered her pussy on to my cock. She impaled herself till I was balls deep in her and she moaned again as she came. Sitting back on me she spread her legs and I was able to reach under her and finger her clit till she came again squeezing and pumping my cock. That was all my pecker could stand as I held her back on me massaging her tits. I quickly turned her around without coming out and bent her over as she held on to her stool. With me standing, I began to pump her hard and fast until I spewed her cunt full of my spunk. As I did, she said she could feel me hitting her cervix and my hot cum was covering her inner most wall. She too was coming over and over again squeezing and milking all the cum from my dick and moaning. We then reversed places and she straddle me again. We sat there on the stool for an hour hugging, kissing and petting. After about 30 minutes, my cock was hard again and she inserted it in her. We just sat there with her pussy muscles massaging my cock as we kissed and as I fingered her clit we made love. We both confessed to each other that we were THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK and that we wanted to learn from each other. We began to commute to work together which presented some very grand learning opportunities either in the car or at her place. I have not heard from Joan for many years but I will never forget the girl that taught me what women want.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2005, 02:18 PM
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 8
Default French Class

I got home from school and headed to my room to do my homework. I hadn't even opened a book before my thoughts quickly drifted to Ms. Bush and those white panties of hers. Maybe it wasn't the white panties as much as it was what was just underneath them. My cock began to grow and twitch in my jeans and it wasn't long before I had my hands in my pants stroking my cock. I pictured myself sitting in my desk looking up at Ms. Bush who was getting the books down from the bookcase. Looking up her skirt, seeing those white panties and thinking what her pussy must look like. Was it hairy... was it trimmed... was it shaved? Did it have those dark lips with a nice wet pink inside? Was her clit hard... was it tingling like my cock was? How would the head of my cock feel brushing up and down her moist slit? Then I imagined her turning around and catching me playing with my cock. I saw the look in her face... first shock and then admiring my THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK hard dick. I watched her as she stared at me sitting there in my desk as she towered above me. She licked her lips wanting as her legs spread further apart so I could get even a better view up her skirt. Then she lifted her dress and began to rub her pussy over her white panties. The mere pressure and her sticky wet pussy left the impression of her slit in the panties so I could see it clearly. Then I pulled my jeans down a little further so she could see it all. I played with my hard drawn up sack and stroked my dick long and hard. Then I watched as she slid her hand under her panties and the look on her face was almost orgasmic as she rubbed her bare clit. She took her other hand and slowly pulled down her panties to reveal her sweet pussy. It was trimmed and it was beautiful! The scarce blonde pubic hair just above her slit looked so soft and I could just make out the pink button of her clit as she rubbed it slowly in tight circles. I looked down at my cock and saw the clear fluid of my pre-cum escaping from the hole on the end of my dick. She saw it too as she climbed down and took her finger from her wet cunt and scooped it off me. She put it to her pussy and rubbed it in mixing it with her sweet nectar. Then she reached back and took a hold of my cock as she straddled me. She rubbed the head of my cock up and down her pink wet slit. She moaned and I whimpered as she sat down on my THIS IS SPAM DON`T CLICK hard cock. I sat there in my desk and she ground her cunt over my dick. It felt so good to be inside her too! She was loving my cock, rocking back and forth and I was ready to blow my wad inside her older pussy. I was fucking my teacher! She put her arms around me pulling me close to her chest. I could smell her perfume and I could hear her heart pounding between her moans. She kissed me on the forehead and then full on the lips. Her kiss sent chills down my back and I got goose bumps from her compassionate touches. My balls became wet as I felt the honey from her perfect pussy leaking out on to them. She began to fuck me harder, bouncing up and down on my cock as I sat there in the seat of my desk. She reached behind her back and cupped my balls with her soft warm hands and gave them a squeeze in between each pulsing squirt as I pumped my pearly hot cum deep into her hole. I felt the walls of her warm and wet cunt tighten and loosen milking every drop of my seed.

"John! John! Are you home?" I heard my Mom yell.

I quickly pulled up my jeans and looked around for a dirty t-shirt to clean up my jizz. It was everywhere! On me, the floor and even in my chair. "Yea Mom I'm home! Just doing my homework!"

"Okay. Well don't forget you have to take out the trash tonight. It's garbage day tomorrow. Anybody call?"

"No Mom." I answered as I wiped up the last of my spilled seed from the floor. My heart was still pounding and my arm was stiff from all stroking. I was just glad I got off before my Mom came home. Nothing breaks the mood while you're doing it than to hear your Mom's voice!

I finished my home work and I took out the trash, but all the while I couldn't get my French teacher off my mind. I was really hoping she'd wear the black panties tomorrow and I was really hoping she was going to let me see them. Did she say that to me to embarrass me or could she really think I was something special too? Did she know I was going to come home and jerk off thinking about her?

I would find out tomorrow in class...
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