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janie99's profile

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Joined: Mar 10, 2016
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Profile details

Name Janie Ferris
Date of Birth 1970-07-15
Your Marital Status Married
Race / Ethnicity Caucasian
Sexual Orientation Bi-curious
Body Type Athletic
Smoking i'm a cigar/pipe smoker
Drinking I am light/social drinker
Turn Ons Polite, intelligent people
Turn Offs Pushy idiots
Hobbies erotic photography, farming


About myself/ourselves

I am a careful exhibitionist... I wear as few clothes possible, and flash whenever I can. I live in a farming community, and have had several opportunities to show off .... ha

People I'm/We are looking to meet

Not looking to "meet up" or anything like that... just like to post and look at pics of like minded folks.

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Avatar flasundog
2018-06-17 12:13:53

I would love to see you expose yourself. If not in person, then maybe via other means. Would make an old sailor very happy.

Avatar doome69
2017-11-02 20:08:19

I see you're in to erotic photography, I am as well! Shoot me a message some time if you'd like to chat!

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