Semen (the sticky liquid that comes out) is compose of only about one percent sperm (directly produced by your body containing your genetic information).
The rest of the liquid is basically proteins, and vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine (hence the smell), citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, zinc and so on. Your diet determines what proteins and minerals are available for your body to produce and expell out. This goes for semen as well. But not all food affect the semen. Fruits typicaly make it taste sweeter, vegetables make it taste bitter, processed food and meat tend to make it saltier than it already is, and foreign chemicals such as those found in cigarette will make the semen taste... Well, bad. (Watch more: Watashi wa, Kairaku Izonshou Episode 2 on This goes for sweat also. People who consume lots of protein will have ammonia-smelling sweat (like rotten egg). Fitness people and bodybuilders tend to suffer from this. And people who consumed lots of carbs and fiber (like vegans) tend to not have body odours at all. Simply put, it's the same as your pee or poo. What you eat, will come out. Good input, good output. Bad input, bad output.
Bonus fact: Semen is really just generally salty. But fruit juice such as pineapple will make it taste sweeter (but still salty). I always make sure to have some pineapple juice several hours before having intimate moments with my gf. She said she prefer that taste better. So i guess it's not bullshit.