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Blogs ยป Livealittle34's Blog

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Houston Texas
  • Username: Livealittle34
  • Date: 04-Aug-2008 13:50:51
  • Mood: disappointed
  • Music:

I have been here using the site for awhile and I must admit, I haven't met or found one female or couple here on the site in or near Houston area that is genuine and serious about a real hook up or encounter. I have received e-mails stating and requesting pics,information, etc....... but nothing developes. If there are any real and genuine couples or females in or near Houston area that would be interested in real encounters-then please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. If you are just here on the site for fun and fantasies reasons, then great but I'm here for real encounters.

Has anyone else from the site had these issues?

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