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Old 07-13-2009, 08:21 AM
hanso's Avatar
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Default The sailors story

It is now 10 O'clock in the evening, and sitting here on the balcony of the hotel while sipping on my whisky, smoking a cigarette, and overlooking the harbour, it is impossible to block out the images of such a wonderful days sailing. As a car horn blares below I am shaken out of my revere, but only for a moment as the gently breeze parts the curtains and reveals the sight of your nude form sitting in front of the mirror in the bedroom, taking me back to my memories.

The day started ordinarily enough, a lazy breakfast on the patio with the sun beating down. It sure looked like it was going to be a nice day, but I had no idea just how nice. As I looked up from the paper, you mentioned that it might be an idea to rent a boat and go sailing. Something we had not done since our holiday in Jamaica and that had not gone too well. I agreed that it sounded very nice and suggested that his time perhaps we should go for something with a Captain, so that we could relax and enjoy, rather than working too hard. You agreed and sent me off to find something suitable.

So it was that about an hour later and around mid-morning, we came to be standing on the jetty at the harbour, about to get ready to board "Ocean Breeze". Our Captain for the day, a swarthy and tanned Spaniard by the name of Miguel came bounding down the boarding plank to greet us, his bright white teeth gleaming as he beamed, welcome aboard. Miguel was around 50 years old and had been taking people out on day trips for years, he had promised me that he knew exactly where to take us so that we would have a great day and be back around sunset. So following his shorts clad body up the boarding plank we went.

"Ocean Breeze" was a sleek white 32ft motor yacht with a single mast. She had a large foredeck and plenty of space and a commanding view from the cockpit. With the sun beaming down out of a clear blue sky and the crystal clear waters below, one could only describe the scene as idyllic. Miguel soon had the ropes untied and I helped cast off, as we let go of the lines you disappeared down below to change. In what seemed like only a moment later, but it must have been longer than that you reappeared out of the forward hatch as we motored toward the harbour entrance. Imagine my surprise and delight, as you emerged totally naked, except for the smile you were wearing as you walked over. There you were just stood by the mast with the wind blowing gently through your hair with the sun warming your skin.

There were many other people there, either sailing, tending to their boats or just standing on the shore, but you looked and were so relaxed and carefree, just enjoying the experience. As the boat slips quietly away from the other moored yachts and out of the harbour a group of bystanders on the harbour wall wave and call enthusiastically to you and you turn, smile and cheerfully wave back, no doubt making their day.

As we exit the harbour we start to feel the bobbing of the boat increase as the gentle seas cause us to sway gently back and forth. Miguel tells me that we will motor on for another 10 to 15 minutes before getting under sail and invites me to take the helm. It is impossible to tell where he is looking, as like me he is wearing impenetrable sunglasses, but judging by his smile and the direction of his head, it is a pretty fair guess that like me he is enjoying watching your naked body swaying in time with the boat. Soon we are both smiling even more at the sway of your bottom as you make your way back to the forward hatch and clamber down, giving us well a lot more to view than we might have expected and unable to tell whether we were supposed to see that much.

It was not long until you reappeared again, this time from behind us, with a tray of drinks. I have to say that this was both a surprise and a real turn on. It is kind of difficult to hide anything when you are using your hands to hold a tray of glasses, and I know I and am sure Miguel must have been really enjoying the view, what a vision. An extremely attractive woman stood only feet away, totally nude, and smilingly suggesting that she thought it might be time for a little drink before we got under sail and hoping that Miguel did not mind her helping herself like that. I of course was sure he did not.

Miguel suggested that you had obviously been yacht sailing before and when I enquired why he thought that, he explained that many people sailing in the Mediterranean did so without clothes to make the most of the carefree experience. He went on to explain that most of the time he too preferred it that way. While I stood at the helm sipping my drink, I marvelled at the relaxed way you just stood between the two of us drinking in the view. I hardly noticed when Miguel slipped off his shorts and clambered forward and started to unfurl the sail. The next thing I felt was your arm around me and giving me a kiss on the cheek as you told me "I like it here".

I felt a bit strange standing there with my tee shirt and shorts on while you and Miguel were both naked. But I did not feel that way for long; I had other worries, as you came behind me and first peeled on my shirt and then my shorts. Well it was a bit embarrassing, not being nude, I am used to that, but having my excitement revealed. I just hoped that Miguel did not notice as I tried to regain my composure.

With the sail unfurled and duly hoisted, we started to pick up speed and were soon fairly racing through the waves. A feeling that can only be described as exhilarating, as I stood in the cockpit with Miguel we were both smiling and laughing as we chatted and watched you exploring the deck, first this way and then that. I had not seen you this relaxed in a long time and it was great to see you so comfortable with yourself and your body, it certainly seemed that you were not in the slightest bit worried about Miguel and how much of you he could see. At least that was my impression as you climbed about showing a lot more than just a glimpse of your charms, in some cases it would have been better described as a full blown show, especially when you tripped and went sprawling over the rear cushions, winding up with your legs spread eagled and your bum in the air. All you could do was laugh as you turned around to see us looking at you, but you did not move a muscle, even as you turned back around to stare at the wake. It seemed as though you stayed that way for ages. Well certainly I spent ages looking and when I turned back to see where we were going Miguel was a good while after me resuming his forward view. It was not even as if we were a boat length away from you, it could only have been a matter of 4 or 5 feet, just far enough away that we could not fail to see all the detail, and near enough that we could easily have touched you.

Miguel said it would be about an hours sailing before we reached the cove he had mind for lunch and you lazily got up, squeezed my bottom as you came between us. I could not see and still do not know if you squeezed his too as you came past and your way to lay and sunbathe on the fore deck. But soon you were lazing in the warmth of the lunchtime soon, soaking up the warmth and rays of the sun as the cooling wind brushed across your skin, gently caressing you. I have no idea what you were thinking about as you lay there, but I could see the hardness of your nipples even from the cockpit and could only imagine how wet those lips would have looked if you were laying the other way around, especially as your legs were certainly positioned to maximize the warming effect between your legs. No surprises then to see that Miguel found some reason, either, real or imagined to go to the prow and fiddle with parts of the boat. It certainly afforded him a great view on the way back, one of which I was certainly envious. Of course again with your air of mystery and your sunglasses he and I will never know if you saw or heard him or whether your eyes were closed, but one thing is for sure you never moved a muscle and he must surely have seen just how parted you would have been. Almost an hour of sun down there, I know how you will have looked and been feeling.

Now it was my turn to take in the view, which was obviously every bit as good as I thought it would be judging by the state of semi arousal in which Miguel returned. Once he was back and settled I disappeared down the hatch and emerged at the forward hatch, camera in hand. This was soon greeted with a smile from Miguel who could see me lining up for what I think were stealth shots, but as I said before we could not tell whether you were watching or not. But whether you were or not I did not care. Either way I was getting some pretty nice pictures as you did not move, at least until I got a lot closer and leaned down and kissed you. I was somewhat taken aback when your hand casually reached down and playfully touched me. I was now fairly convinced that you had been watching us both all along, but as I say could not be sure. But I certainly wondered what you had been thinking as Miguel and his equipment had swayed passed you just a few minutes before and almost as close as I was to you now.

I suggested that perhaps it might be nice to take some pictures of you around the boat while we were still under full sail and before lunch and you agreed. Around the boat we went taking pictures of you inside and outside the boat, by the sail, by the mast in the cockpit, at the helm and at one point you stood beside Miguel with your arm around him and he moved his around you. His arm was a little low and I am sure he was squeezing your naked bottom, but you just stood there and smiled, although at one point I am sure that I saw you parting your legs wider while the two of you were side by side. Certainly he seemed quite happy to be pictured with you and even suggested moving a couple of times for better pictures, which meant of course that I got the two of you full frontal. I am sure that when you review these pictures the one that will bring back the most interesting feelings will be the ones I took of you holding the helm and steering. Miguel, either being helpful or for his own aims was telling you that you had to stand with your legs wider apart to give you a better stance for steering, either way, it meant that he got to first stand and then sit behind you for what must have been a great view. I am not sure which of you was teasing the other the most, but I could tell from the looks on your faces that you were enjoying yourselves. That interesting flinch from you when he stood up behind you made me wonder where exactly his hands and fingers had just gone, then the broad grin on his face as he reached up under your arms to take the helm, brushing the side of your breasts as he reached through. Although trapped, you did not seem to mind and it made a great picture, but I wonder, were his arms the only extremities pressing against you at that time, whatever your beaming smile said that whatever other part of his anatomy might be touching you wherever obviously was not a problem to you. Especially shown by the fact that you were pretty obvious and deliberate in pushing back with your bottom first when it came time for you to move away.

It was almost time to bring down the sail for lunch and as we set off to take some pictures on the prow of you leaning over the bow and looking out to sea, Miguel took up the binoculars to search for that secluded cove, or so I thought. You see I am not sure he was more interested in watching as you leaned forward over the prow and spread your legs wide along the sides of the boat. A great image of you and the boat blending into one, a nice photo opportunity for me, and I am sure an amazing site through a pair of binoculars less that 25 feet away. Then you turned around and laid back in the same position and I could have sworn I saw you wink at him before you spread those long legs every bit as wide. I can't believe that you did not know exactly what you were doing, as your wet lips just peeled apart as you did so, wow, what a sight, a few more pictures and I became aware of that mischievous grin on your face. I had been so absorbed with the sight of you and your loveliness that I had totally forgotten about my own state and now it was not only the sails standing stiffly in the breeze.

I left you on deck and hurried downstairs while I relaxed a little. I was soon back up on deck though as I felt the boat slowing and heard Miguel up on deck bringing down the sail. As I came up the two of you were working away to stow the canvas and in a few minutes the job was done. I think he enjoyed it a bit too much judging by the speed he hurried downstairs with a shout of "I'll fix lunch, if you want to take a swim" So it was that I slipped of the back of the boat into that warm crystal clear water, only moments later to catch a glimpse of your lithe body as you dived off the side and slid into the water. It was so refreshing and so clear, it felt great to feel the warmth of the water cocooning us. Soon we were beside each other and enjoying an embrace and a warm kiss. Once again I could feel myself rising, but before I could do anything about it you had sent off, swimming toward the shore. You paused about 50 minutes from the deserted golden beach that we had seen from the boat. As I caught up with you I was aware that something had caught your eye. It was the fish, just beneath us was an absolutely wonderful collection of the most beautiful array of fish I have ever seen. I have no idea what type they were but there were blue's, gold's, green's and red's of every shade, it was quite mesmerizing. I soon came to though when I felt your hand gently reaching between my thighs. I needed no more inviting and soon I too was exploring your body. We swam to the shore, pausing occasionally and playfully exploring each other until we reached the shore. At the waters edge you just turned around and lay there as I rode on top of you, sliding further and further up your body until had filled you completely. The feeling of the waves gently lapping against us as we lay there was amazing and we did not care about anything else. After a while you rolled me over and just sat there looking into my eyes. I was in heaven, I was sure I was.

As I started to ask you what you had been up to, or rather what Miguel had been up to, you simply placed your finger over my lips and smiled knowingly. Then you were up and off running and splashing your way down the beach at the waters edge, shouting and splashing like a child, before slipping back into the water and toward the boat. As we approached the boat Miguel called out that lunch was ready and that it was time to get back aboard.

Lunch was a simple yet tasty array of Spanish tapas, an assortment of very tasty dishes, it was amazing how much we ate, I guess that sailing makes you hungrier than you think or maybe it was the waters edge activities. Either way it was most enjoyable and you were certainly enjoying the wine that was for sure. We insisted on clearing up the lunch things and heard a splash above as Miguel went for a swim of his own. But he was soon back on board and asking if we had seen the fish. We said that we had, he said that we must go down again after our siesta, with snorkels and take a better look. He explained that he had not seen this many varieties around these shores in a long long time.

And so it was that we headed to master cabin, Miguel had insisted that we make use of it, for our afternoon siesta. It certainly did not take long after snuggling up for us both to be sound asleep on that large and extremely comfortable master bed. Our two naked bodies laying there, entwined and peacefully resting to avoid the worst of the early afternoon sun.

We awakened to the sound of the seagulls calling as they circled overhead, looking out the porthole lazily you said that you could see that Miguel had obviously thrown the scraps overboard for them. Just the sound of them filled our nostrils with the smell of salt air. As you climbed back over and cuddled up I was only vaguely aware as we drifted back into sleep. The next time we awoke it was through Miguel knocking at the door. The door was open and there he stood in all his glory. Lord alone knows what I was dreaming off as I was certainly standing to attention, of course it may have something to do with where your hand was and had been. As for you, you were laid on your back with your legs open wide. I can only imagine what must have been going through his head as he looked the pair of us, probably the same thoughts as any other red blooded male. Although you removed your hand from my genitals, you were much slower in moving your other hand from your own. But, as ever, Miguel in his sunglasses just looked on smiling. Even when you turned over with your bottom in the air and gently prodded me to make me start moving, although this time I did see him quite obviously step forward and gently smack your naked and apparently offered bottom as he suggested that we needed that swim to wake us up. And you brushed very deliberately past him as you squeezed through the door past him, your breasts stroking against his chest.

As we reached the cockpit we were once again struck my the warmth of the breeze on our skin, it felt good, very good indeed, although from looking at your chest one would have thought it was colder, much colder. Laid out in front of us were two sets of flippers, masks and snorkels, Miguel had obviously thought of everything. We slipped them on and flopped over the side, to once again we enveloped by the warm inviting water. It was our first time with such things and it took us a while to get used to them and to relax into it. But the view was stunning, I had never seen anything like it and I understand that you hadn't either. We swam for ages drinking in the view of those colorful fish as we swam around in the water. It was amazing for me to watch your slim body in all its glory just gliding through the water; the mask allowed me to see you so clearly. As you came back to me we pulled back the masks and snorkels and enjoyed an embrace as we trod water, it seemed no effort was required at all. My ardor was soon rising, not least because some caressing on your part, the look in your eyes told me it all and soon I was once again joined with you right there in the water.

I only have a vague recollection of a snorkeled Miguel breaking the surface, smiling again although you continued to hold me tight against you so there was nothing I could do. It all seemed so innocent, except when Miguel raise his hand for us to see the camera he was holding. There is no way that he could have failed to see what we were up to underwater, he had a mask to clear his vision and with that camera I wonder what pictures he had taken. He laughed as he told us that he had not caught "fish" doing that before underwater on his camera. It was just so funny that we all just burst out laughing, but even while doing so you reached down and pulled me deeper.

As for your other hand, I don't know but Miguel was getting a strange far off look in his eyes. Then he released his snorkel and mask and took the camera off his wrist and dived back down again. When he resurfaced he was behind you and as he swam up to you he reached around and cupped your breasts is his hands, you simply winked at me, turned, smiled and then placed your hands on his, pushing them further into your chest. With that as encouragement, he proceeded to knead and caress you. While I uncoupled from you as the movements dictated but sensing your enjoyment, moved my hands down your body and parted your legs with my hands, while continuing to stroke your body. A sudden look swept across your face, before settling into a broad smile as you clamped your legs shut trapping him between them. You were certainly teasing this man big time and I had to marvel at his apparent self restraint. But your faces and bodies certainly showed that you were both very happy with the situation and as I swam a little I am sure he loved the way you turned around and I assume used your hands to please him some. Actually, I can let you in to a secret. I know exactly where your hands went and his too. For as I was swimming, neither of you noticed me putting my mask back on and pick up the camera. I too have some very erotic underwater pictures to take too. I do hope that one day you will do to me what you did to him when you pushed yourself down underwater, I have no idea what the look on his face was, but I could see yours as I took pictures while you did it. As you surfaced I was already there and Miguel was suggesting that probably we should pull up the anchor and start our journey back. Snorkeling will never be the same and will always bring back those wonderful images.

Back on board, we soon had the anchor stowed and the sail unfurled, although I am starting to really understand Miguel as he had me do the sail but made you do the anchor, because that meant you had to do more bending over. Then again I think you like the exhibition as much as he, and I, did watching it. Then it was time for me to take some more pictures of you with the boat in full sail. Once again I wanted some of those fantastic views from the prow and I was not disappointed. Only this time while you were on your back you beckoned me toward you and your open legs, I was past caring and more than happy to oblige. The smile on your face became bigger and your legs opened noticeable wider for no apparent reason. "Yes please" I heard you say and turned to see Miguel taking pictures of the two us coupled together.

With about another hour to go Miguel said that if we wanted one last swim he would show us how to do it. With that he tied a rope loosely around himself and leapt off the boat, as the rope played out to its full extent, he proceeded to half swim and half pull himself along the rope and back to the boat, where we help him back on board. It seemed that this was the day that you were not one to miss an adventure and soon you were in the water and following suit. As he helped you back on board you seemed to very deliberately move your hand and linger across him, all the while looking me straight in the eye.

As I took the helm and Miguel went back inside you kissed me, winked and headed back down to the prow to resume your position, although this time on your front, but still with the special view. But this time, your own hands were wandering down between your legs. Although I could certainly see, it was Miguel he who was treated to the full view as he could not miss it right there in front of him. As you turned and saw him, you quite exaggeratedly beckoned to him. Exaggerated in that you seemed to make sure that I could see what you were doing. With all the teasing that had been going on Miguel did not need asking twice and was soon filling you as requested. Although obviously hungry he was certainly taking his time and slowly, rhythmically delivering his pleasure to you. Then it was your turn as you eased yourself away, got up took him by the hand and led him to the fore deck, winking at me as you laid him down and sat astride him. I have no idea whether his other customers have ever looked after him this well, but I can honestly say for the enjoyment he gave us it was more than just rewards and of course you were more than happy to help deliver those rewards to him. As we rounded the headland, you leaned forward and kissed him gently and I can still remember so clearly approaching the harbour, the three of us stood side by side in the cockpit with you in the middle. This time I knew exactly where his hand was and he mine, as we held a cheek each. While you happily stood there with each of us in one hand.

There was a collective sigh as we got closer and took turns to pop downstairs to get dressed and all too soon we were back in the harbour and moored up. With a hearty handshake from me and a unashamedly passionate kiss from you, Miguel was soon waving us goodbye as we strolled off down the jetty. I could almost feel his eyes upon us as we reached the end and I could not resist lifting your skirt and showing him your naked bottom one last time. You turned, raised the front of your skirt and blew him one last kiss.

Dinner that night was a pleasant but quiet one, both of us lost in our memories of the day, reliving those wonderful moments and feeling those tingling sensations. There was no hint of anything but pure happiness and we strolled arm in arm down the seafront and back to our hotel not needing to say anything.

It is true that I have never been able to see yacht masts without seeing you standing there naked beside them. You I am sure can't see a sail without remembering the feel of the wind against your naked skin. Neither of us could look at an anchor without remembering our lunchtime swim. The children still do not know what we find so funny when we see or hear of the drink "Sex on the Beach" and of course I know what goes on between your legs when you see a bronzed sailor. And every time we see or hear one of these things the intensity of our feelings and memories grows, until they get stronger and stronger.

I notice it is chilly now as something shakes me out of my day dreaming and I become aware of you standing behind me with your hands on my shoulders. I hear you asking what I was doing, nothing really I replied. You squeezed my shoulders before coming round in front of me and giving me a kiss. You are not fooling me you said, you are still remembering when we were here 30 years ago and went sailing for the day. Of course you are right and 30 years ago I was sat here enjoying a drink remembering the same thing, and you know what the memory is just as fresh today as it was back then and you look every bit as lovely today, is it time for bed.
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