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Blogs » Luvs2eatpussy's Blog » My hobby; writing,

My hobby; writing,
  • Username: Luvs2eatpussy
  • Date: 01-Mar-2016 19:36:52
  • Mood: horny
  • Music:

As the click of the handcuffs echo in the silence, I can see your chest rise and fall more rapidly, as your breathing increased. With the blindfold you have no option but to only guess what may happen next, as you can feel the heat of my gentle breathing down your neck and over your nipples. With you concentration on my breathing, you are startled when you feel my fingers lightly brush down over the top of your breasts and circling your nipples, as I begin to lick and kiss down your belly toward your sweet wet pussy. Every time my tongue flicks at your swelling clit I pinch your nipples sending jolts of pleasure throughout your body. Then running my tongue along the edges of your pussy lips and slurping, kissing, licking, around your tight hole. My tongue enters In you and your hips begin to move along with my tongues thrusting motion. By now my arms have made their way wrapped around the underside of your thighs locking your legs against my shoulders as I continue to flick at your clit with my tongue. Gently sucking on your clit so that it is in my mouth I continue to suck on it while running my tongue in circles around your clit. I insert my finger in you and begin thrusting in and out nice and slow. As the juices begin flowing more I insert another finger and pickup my pace of thrusting in and out of you. By this time I have my hand furiously in motion, and your screams would be heard throughout the house had it not been for the ball gag. With the first of many orgasms rapidly approaching I begin to slow down and just let you simmer in the moment while bringing you to the edge and backing down. Your begging to let you cum for daddy cannot be understood so I remain on course of tortuous pleasure of build up and leveling off, build up and level off. Finally once I release your ball gag and set your hands and ankles free to move you begin to plea and beg for daddy to fuck his princess. As you feel daddy bringing you closer to cum I then slide my hard cock into you all the way, thus causing a wave of orgasmic bliss that sends your body over the edge in a series of spasms while I continue to pound you from the inside to either prolong your orgasm or create several body shaking orgasms in a row. Panting and almost to the point of passing out as your eyes roll and your body goes limp with the occasional jolt as I continue to thrust deep into you, the only sound that can be heard is the slapping of my nuts against you and our ragged breathing as you say thank you daddy. Upon hearing this I am sent over the edge and loose myself to my own body jolting orgasm. As you feel me shoot my load deep inside you. As I begin to slow my pace I lean down and kiss your neck and lips and say "thank you princess; you have been a good girl"



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Avatar kayrayjay
2016-04-24 13:36:03

Hmmm yes daddy

  • Luvs2eatpussy
  • a Man, 50 y.o.
  • Registered
  • From: United States,
  • Interested in meeting: a Woman
  • For:
  • Headline: Nothing gets me excited more that a woman cumming on my face!
  • Total: 0 videos, 0 photos, 0 friends
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